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Erklaerung von reported speech

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Reported speech

Steht der Einfuehrungssatz in einer Zeitform der Gegenwart (z.B. Present Tense, Present Perfect), so werden in der indirekten Rede die Zeitformen der direkten Rede beibehalten.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech “I hate fish.” Judy says (that) she hates fish. “I am still writing the essay.” He has just told me (that) he is still writing the essay.

Steht der Einfuehrungssatz in einer Zeitform der Vergangenheit (z.B. Past Tense, Past Perfect), so aendern sich die Zeitformen in der indirekten Rede nach folgendem Muster:
1) Present Simple Past Simple 2) Present Continuous Past Continuous 3) Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple 4) Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous 5) Past Simple Past Perfect Simple 6) Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous 7) Will-Future Conditional (would + Infinitive)
1) “I like walking in the Lake District.” Moritz said (that) he liked walking in the Lake District. 2) “John is playing football.” I thought (that) John was playing football. 3) “Have you seen him recently?” I wondered if you had seen him recently. 4) “I have been working all afternoon.” Pat’s parents believed (that) she had been working all afternoon. 5) “My brother visited the USA in 1986.” I told them (that) my brother had visited the U.S.A. in 1986. 6) “We were playing cards the whole evening.” They replied (that) they had been playing cards the whole evening. 7) “I’ll (I will) ring you next week.” I promised (that) I would ring her the following week.
Bei der Umwandlung der direkten in die indirekte Rede veraendern sich Orts- und Zeitangaben, wenn der urspruengliche Orts –und Zeitbezug fuer den Berichterstatter nicht mehr zutrifft.

tomorrow ( the next day / following day last year ( the year before here ( there yesterday ( the day before this week ( that week now ( then today ( that day 2 days ago ( 2 days earlier
Jenny (Frankfurt) Brian (London) “The exams are being held here.” Jenny told me that the exams were being held there (in Frankfurt). Judy (on Sunday) Philip (on Wednesday) “I’m going to the judo club tomorrow.” Judy told me (on Sunday) that she was going to the judo club the following day.
Question in indirect speech
Fragen werden in der indirekten Rede zu Nebensaetzen mit Fragewort (when, where, etc.oder if = ob).
Die Wortstellungbei diesen Nebensaetzen ist Subjekt-Praedikat (keine Umstellung von Hilfsverb und Subjekt, keine do-Umschreibung!). Wenn der Einfuehrungssatz in einer Zeitform der Vergangenheit steht, so aendern sich die Zeitformen wie oben.
“When did you start playing the guitar?”
His fans often ask him when he started playing the guitar. “Are you giving a concert?” Rick asked if we were giving a concert.
III) The imperative in indirect speech
Aufforderungssaetze werden in der indirekten Rede in infinitivkonstruktionen umgewandelt.
“Don’t come late.” Harry told us not to come late. “Give it to me.” She asked me to give it to her.
Reported speech wird genau erklaert. (481 Wörter)
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