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Englisch Test über Reported Speech (mit Regeln und Lösungen)

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English Spickzettel + Übungssätze "Reported Speech"

Regeln: Reported Speech

Wird ein Satz in die indirekte Rede gesetzt, gibt es zwei Unterscheidungen.
1. Wenn der Einleitungssatz in der Gegenwart steht, dann bleibt die Zeitform der direkten Rede auch in der indirekten Rede erhalten.
2. Wenn der Einleitungssatz in der Vergangenheit steht, dann muss die Zeitform verändert werden.

Verschiebung von Zeitformen:
Simple Present > Simple Past
Simple Past > Past Perfect
Present Perfect > Past Perfect
will > would

Wenn im Satz eine Zeitangabe steht, dann muss auch die geändert werden.

Verschiebung von Adverbien

this (evening) that (evening) today/this day that day these (days) those (days) now then (a week) ago (a week) before last weekend the weekend before / the previous weekend here there next (week) the following (week) tomorrow the next/following day

Reported questions
Man muss darauf achten, dass aus der Frage in der indirekten Rede ein Aussagesatz wird. Deswegen gilt hier bei der Satzstellung: Subjekt - Verb Wenn man eine Frage ohne Fragewort hat, dann muss man in der indirekten Rede whether oder if einsetzen (deutsch: ob)Peter: "Do you play football?" - Peter asked me whether (if) I played football.

Reported commands
Wird eine Aufforderung in die indirekte Rede gesetzt, gibt es die gleichen Unterscheidungen (Person ändern, Zeitform anpassen, Zeitangabe ändern) wie bei den Aussagesätzen.
Gebildet werden sie meistens mit to und Infinitiv.Im Einleitungssatz meistens das Verb to tell.

Einfache Aufforderungen
1. Teacher: "Do your homework." The teacher told me
2. André: "Clean the blue bike." André told me
3. Jessica: "Write a letter." Jessica told me
4. Nelly: "Help Peter's sister." Nelly told me
5. Anna: "Open the window." Anna told me
1. Karen: "Don't play football in the garden." Karen told me
2. Teacher: "Don't forget your homework." The teacher told me
3. Maik: "Don't shout at Peter." Maik told me
4. Yvonne: "Don't talk to your neighbour." Yvonne told me
5. Denise: "Don't open this door." Denise told me

Aussage Sätze
1. John: "Mandy is at home." John said that
2. Max: "I often read a book." Max told me that
3. Susan: "I'm watching TV." Susan said that
4. Simon: "David was ill." Simon said that
5. Stephen and Claire: "We have cleaned the windows." Stephen and Claire told me that
6. Charles: "I didn't have time to do my homework." Charles remarked that
7. Mr Jones: "My mother will be 50 years old." Mr Jones told me that
8. Jean: "The boss must sign the letter. Jean said that
1. Emily: "My teacher will go to Leipzig tomorrow. Emily said that
2. Helen: "I was writing a letter yesterday." Helen told me that
3. Robert: "My father flew to Dallas last year." Robert said that
4. Michael: "I'm going to read a book this week." Michael told me that
5. Jason: "I'll do my best in the exams tomorrow." Jason told me that
6. Andrew: "We didn't eat fish two days ago." Andrew said to me that
7. Alice: "I spent all my pocket money last Monday." Alice complained that
8. David: "John had already gone at six. David said that
1. Christopher: "Do you want to dance?" Christopher asked me
2. Betty: "When did you come?" Betty asked me
3. Mark: "Has John arrived?" Mark asked me
4. Ronald: "Where does Maria park her car?" Ronald asked me
5. Elisabeth: "Did you watch the latest film?" Elisabeth asked me


The teacher told me to do my homework.
André told me to clean the blue bike.
Jessica told me to to write a letter.
Nelly told me to help Peter's sister.
Anna told me to open the window.
Karen told me not to play football in the garden.
The teacher told me not to forget my homework.
Maik told me not to shout at Peter.
Yvonne told me not to talk to my neighbour.
Denise told me not to open this door.
Aussage Satz
John said that Mandy was at home.
Max told me that he often read a book.
Susan said that she was watching TV.
Simon said that David had been ill.
Stephen and Claire told me that they had cleaned the windows.
Charles remarked that he hadn't had time to do his homework.
Mr Jones told me that his mother would be 50 years old.
Jean said that the boss had to sign the letter.
Emily said that her teacher would go to Leipzig the next day.
Helen told me that she had been writing a letter the day before.
Robert said that his father had flown to Dallas the year before.
Michael told me that he was going to read a book that week.
Jason told me that he would do his best in the exams the next day.
Andrew said to me that they hadn't eaten fish two days before.
Alice complained that she had spent all her pocket money the Monday before.
David said that John had already gone at six.
Christopher asked me if I wanted to dance.
Betty asked me when I had come.
Mark asked me if John had arrived.
Ronald asked me where Maria parked her car.
Elisabeth asked me if I had watched the latest film.
Test über Reported Sppech mit Lösungen und Erläuterung (873 Wörter)
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