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write an essay /should home-schooling be allowed in Germany?

Frage: write an essay /should home-schooling be allowed in Germany?
(9 Antworten)

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zu der Frage :should home schooling be allowed in Germany?

advantages : your parents can teach you subjects you want to learn - you learn more and better because theres just one pupil to teach - the family can spend more time together - the childen don`t spend a lot of time with other children - the family can be very flexible about holidays - bullying is such a problem at school ( usw. )

disadvantages : you have less friends - you can`t inrease your social behaviour if you don`T learn how to treat teachers or class mates - the stuff you learn can become boring because you always have the same teacher in each subject,

uSe expressions like : i think - in my opinion - the way i see it - if you ask me - i`m not sure s.o is right there - I see what it means....
Frage von buesra_91 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 21.10.2007 - 21:30

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Antwort von buesra_91 (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.10.2007 - 21:34
ist egal was für eine meinung ihr vertretet :P

ob pro oder contra.

der besTe aufsatz bekommt :o ---> 50 credits

Antwort von GAST | 21.10.2007 - 21:58
also ich muss sagen ... ich liebe englisch aber gleich ein ganzen aufsatz schreiben?
haha sryy dafür bin ich bissle zu faul^^

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Antwort von buesra_91 (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.10.2007 - 22:01
*gg* ich auch ... das wochenende hab ich jetzt so chillig verbracht, dass ich keine Lust dazu hab. Können tu ichs ya xD aber naja.. wie es aussieht muss ich mich selbst an die arbeit machen :P

Antwort von GAST | 21.10.2007 - 22:02
vor 3 jahren hab ich es gemacht so ähnlich. aber dann muss ich erst mal suchen. wann brauchst du es?

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Antwort von buesra_91 (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.10.2007 - 22:42
ich brauch es für heute aber ich hab mich eben selbst überwunden und es selbst gemacht :P Verbesserungvorschläge fänd ich nicht schlecht :P

If you do home-schooling,you can wake up and begin to learn at the time you want to and you also can choose what you want to learn. You learn more and better because theres just one pupil to teach, so your parents are just concetrated on you. In my opinion, the family can spend more time togehter and can be very flexible about holidays. I agree with the disadvantage , that you have less friends and it is bad for your social behaviour if you don‘t learn how to treat other people ,like teachers or classmates.I think that school is sometimes very hard and stressful because of waking up early and learning very much, but if you ask me it is very important to build up realationships and get friends.Bullying is still a problem in lots of schools. If you do home-schooling you don`t meet other pupil and they can‘t bully you, but I‘m afraid I can‘t agree , because your life in the future, and your working life won‘t be always fair. At school you learn how to cope wich these problems.Another reasons against home-schooling are, that the things you learn can become boring because you have always the same teacher in each subject and nobody can be sure if you will get a good school-education at home.So if I had to decide wether I want home-schooling in Germany, i would be against it.

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Antwort von ammy (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.10.2007 - 23:07
It is often argued whether home schooling should be allowed
in Germany.
As far as I can see, there are lot of advantages and disadvantages,
that is why I´m a little bit in two minds about that question.
One advantage of home schooling would be, that you have the
possibility to decide when you want to start your lessons.
Further more, there would be the possibility to choose what
you want to learn. I think this is one main advantage.
You can be more flexible, and learning does not get boring
that fast, ´cause students will decide about their learning.
Another huge advantage from my point of view would be, that the
student will be taught more effectively, because of the
fact that there wouldn´t be those overfilled classes.
Every student will be taught seperate, and that offers the
possibilty of concentrate learning.
Questions will be answered more detailed and the student
will experience more attention.

But there is no question, that there are also some disadvantages.
Home schooling ´has just negative effects on ones
social bahaviour. During school life, students learn how
to treat other people, how to cope with stressful situations
and how to build up relationships.
All these very important aspects of social life, would
fall apart with the system of home schooling.
Students would get lot of problems in their future lifes
if they haven´t learned those social manners.

But when we have a closer look at this system of home schooling there
is another argument against it. The question really is if
the students get the best school education at home.
It leads to the doubt whether students will be motivated
enough when they are day by day confrontated with the same teacher.
There would be no chance, to change a subject or the course.

To come to a conclusion I would say that for the majority
of students, the system of home schooling would not work.
Therefore I would be against home schooling here in Germany.

Sind zwar noch einige fehler drin, aber naja, ist ja auch spät, nicht? *gg*

Antwort von GAST | 21.10.2007 - 23:11
versuchs ma mit dem link

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Antwort von buesra_91 (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.10.2007 - 23:51
@ ammy ... :o respeKt ..dein Aufsatz ist viel besser als meins bääh :P
hast dir die credits verdient ;)

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Antwort von ammy (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.10.2007 - 00:33
Hey, vielen vielen Dank :)
Und gerngeschehen =)

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