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How satisfied is Germany? (Comment)

Alles zu Landeskunde

Comment: How satisfied is Germany?

For 3 years I have got an illness, which restricts me in walking moves. That is why I needed special treatments and water gymnastic. That costs very much, but our welfare system provides me and we should not pay a lot of money. But are other people satisfied with germany and the system?
To solve the question, we have to look on other countries with different conditions. The third-world-countries have nothing. A lot of people are unemployed and other ill. Nobody helps him, not the state and not any systems. Our people have almost everything. They can go to work, can earn thair own living. The work conditions are luxes, because other people must work under hard pressure with not enough safety for high wights and sharp edges. If we compare both, then our people are working on the seventh cloud. Or the different between our school/training with the third- world-countries are very high. These people there have sometimes to fight with their parents, because they want really to go to school, while our students, must to school and if they don t won t, they have to pay for. This contrasts shows us, that we live spoilt. This is one argument, that people can be satisfied with germany. Furthermore we are supported by a special welfare system. ...
But many people thinks, that they are not satisfied with germany, because they wouldn t know how big they will supported. They found mistakes in the system and cannot explain, why it is. ...
People, who lives in germany should satisfied with their problems or system, because they did not know that other people in other countries had have bigger problems.
All in all we have once the best welfare system, some of the best work conditions. I cannot understand people, who cannot understand this. I should use our power to help on our road or in other countries.

Comment zum Thema "How satisfied is Germany?" in Bezug auf die Wirtschaft. (321 Wörter)
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