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reported speech!

Frage: reported speech!
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Kann mir jemand folgenden Text in reported speech setzen?Dieser Text is ein Gespräch bzw, eine geschichte die erzählt wird! Nunja, hier mal die geschichte:

One of Mr.Chung`s customers is telling him a story

"Yesterday I discovered a mouse in a bag of rice you sold me! I bought the rice last week, and even used some of it.
Then while I was cooking dinner last night, I discovered the mouse in the bag. Have you ever found mice in your rice, Mr. Chung? No? Well, don`t worry - this one was alive! My son`s pet mouseescaped from its cage two days ago and probably got hungry.
It`s back in its cage now and we gave it some more rice today.
Now, will you give me two bags of rice, please?
I`m inviting all my relatives to diner tomorrow."

PS: die aufgabenstellung lautet: How does Mr.Chung tell teh story to a friend a week later?
GAST stellte diese Frage am 07.12.2005 - 20:39

Leider noch keine Antworten vorhanden!

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