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Englisch-Test: Reported speech

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8a English Test No 2 Dec. 7th,04: Reported Speech

1.Reported speech
Simon is a new student in Mr Pen's class and the teacher talks to him on his first day.
At home Simon reports his teachers questions:Mr Pem asked if J...
1.Are you coming to the school party on Thursday?
Mr Pen asked if I was coming on the school party on Thursday.
2.Were you really born in Anchorage?
Mr Pen asked if I were really born in Anchorage.
3.Tell me somthing about your old school.
Mr Pen told me to tell him something about my old school.
4.How do you feel about your new class?
Mr Pen aked me how I felt about my new class.
5.Have you already met Mr Smith, our headteacher?
Mr Pen aked if I had already met Mr Smith ,their headteacher.
6.Don't worry you'll like it here.
Mr Pen told me not to be worry ,J would like it there.
7.Do you like the posters in the classroom?
Mr Pen asked if I liked the posters in the classroom.
8.Speak a bit louder ,please Ican't hear very well.
Mr Pen asked me to speak a bit louder ,he couldn't hear very well.
9.What do you think about your new school?
Mr Pen asked what I thought about my new school.

Englisch-Klassenarbeit zum Thema reported speech (indirect/direct speech, Aufgabenstellung ist es direkte Sätze in indirekte umzuformen. (214 Wörter)
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