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Understanding Hate
The BMW dealership on Bradford`s Oak Road is a charred husk, full of twisted metal and shards of glass--the casualty of clashes between police, whites and Asians. The northern England town was the site of Britain`s third race riot this summer, and its worst; 281 policemen were injured and 36 troublemakers arrested. The unrest evoked the race clashes of Britain`s tumultuous `60s and `70s, puncturing Tony Blair`s carefully tended image of Cool Britannia, a cybersavvy and prosperous nation. The riot`s immediate cause was a rumor that the National Front, a right-wing extremist group, planned to march. It didn`t, but scuffles between Asian and white youths erupted into a full-blown battle. "If there`s any winner in this, it`s the National Front," observed shopkeeper Shouket Mahmoud. "They wanted to make Asians look bad, and they did. They lit the match, and we were the gas for the explosion."

A highly combustible mix of racial division, summer heat and disadvantaged youths stoked the flames. And the Bradford riots highlighted some confounding paradoxes facing Britain. As it settles into its first century as a self-consciously multicultural society, the country is grappling to find a way to make diversity work. In the process, it swings wildly between racial violence and racial hypersensitivity. Bradford is a case in point: racial animosity lingers in the streets as a boardroom timidity keeps civic leaders, afraid of being labeled racists, from confronting it. A race review commissioned by a Bradford organization months ago, released last week, told of a city "in the grip of fear." Citizens aren`t just afraid of drugs, violence and people unlike themselves. They`re also afraid of talking openly and honestly "because of possible repercussions, recriminations, and victimization."

Consequently the riots shocked Bradfordians, but didn`t surprise them. For years the city has been sliding into a de facto apartheid, with Asian, Afro-Caribbean and white communities living, working and studying separately. Last week`s report chronicled white flight to the suburbs, near-segregated schools and a growing mistrust among communities. It also said the poor of all races feel beleaguered. During the 19th century, Bradford evoked images of Bronte novels and a booming textile trade. In the 1960s and 1970s, immigrants from impoverished northern Pakistan came to work in the wool mills. But after the demise of British heavy industry, the jobs dried up.

It`s not that Bradford hasn`t tried to adapt. On the contrary, the chamber of commerce and the Asian Business Link champion minority businesses. The Bradford police won a £257,000 (422,502 euro) Home Office grant to recruit minorities. Youth teams, women`s groups and a junior university reach out to communities of color. But they`re not able to reach far enough. On street corners, bored youths, Asian and white, say they confront naked racism every day. "Those white boys, they pass you in their cars and throw you dirties and that," says Imran Shah, 18. "The local police are racist. Even when I go to the petrol station, they make me pay in advance. Just me."

The issues are stark--but community leaders complain that when it comes to tackling Bradford`s drugs, crime and thuggery, the dialogue turns too polite. "Political correctness, that`s the problem," says M. A. Laher of the Bradford Council of Mosques. "At interfaith meetings, we all sit and have a bit of tea, but nobody is brave enough say, `Hey, there are some lads in your community who are making trouble.` Everyone`s afraid of sounding racist."

That includes the police. Bradfordians recall the 1999 investigation into the London Metropolitan Police, citing "pernicious and institutional racism" in the force. Now, according to last week`s report, citizens believe that rank-and-file officers, fearful of damaging their careers by being called racist, won`t impose discipline on black and Asian offenders. Tellingly, Bradford police trying to quell the riots didn`t use plastic bullets or water cannons--tools readily deployed a few days later in Belfast when cops confronted a mob of Irish nationalists.

The disconnect between street rage and official political correctness has fueled anger among many whites--and created opportunities for the far right. After May`s riots in Oldham, the British National Party had its best results in the town in a generation, taking 16 percent of the vote. "The multiracial society can`t work," says spokesman Phill Edwards. Most Britons would disagree, but they still have to find the courage to talk about how to make it work. Quelle:
Frage von Nour27 | am 09.06.2020 - 23:42

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Antwort von matata | 10.06.2020 - 00:37
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In solchen Fällen nimmt man eine Übersetzungsmaschine und schaut sich den Text einmal auf Deutsch an. Auch wenn er nicht perfekt übersetzt ist, bekommt man immerhin eine Ahnung, worum es überhaupt geht....
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Antwort von cleosulz | 10.06.2020 - 16:03
Dieser Zeitungsbericht ist aus dem Jahr 2001.
Bradford ist eine Großstadt im Vereinigten Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland in der englischen Grafschaft West Yorkshire und namensgebender Kernort sowie Verwaltungssitz des Metropolitan Borough City of Bradford

Es geht also um Rassenunruhen in Nordenland im Jahr 2001.

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z. B. mit diesen Suchbegriffen:
2001 + Rassenunruhen + England + Asiaten
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