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Übersetzung: Bitte kontrollieren

Frage: Übersetzung: Bitte kontrollieren
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Beiträge 1243
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Aufgabe: Ask in a way that the words in bold print are your answer.
1. Carol doesn’t like orange. What kind of fruit doesn`t Carol like?
2. Carol is looking for a T-shirt in blue or white. What`s Carol looking for?
3. Carol will go to America next weekend. Who is going to America next weekend?
4. Carol is going to see many skyscrapers. What will Carol see (in America)?
5. Kevin will buy a camera in London. Where’s Kevin going to buy a camera?

Wird Carol ihren dicken Mantel mitnehmen? Will Carol take her thick coat?
Frage von Waldfee1 | am 01.12.2019 - 09:17

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