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bitte um korrektur

Frage: bitte um korrektur
(3 Antworten)

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Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir dabei behiflich sein meinen text zu korrigieren. :)

The text deals with the reason of aim to keep and reinforce the position of power of the USA. Barack Obama who is the new president of the USA was informed about the danger of america`s guiding role which gets weakend as result of commercial rise of Brazil, China and India. In consideration of the fact of those centre of power they deem necessary to expand their power/force in their own interest. This lead to rivalry and an outbrak of the crisis is just a matter of time and that`s why America shall reinforce their role in the world to save world.
Frage von clever2008 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 22.11.2009 - 19:59

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Antwort von clever2008 (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.11.2009 - 20:36
nur kurz reinschauen

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Antwort von jennylie3005 (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.11.2009 - 20:51
The text deals with the reason aiming to keep and reinforce the position of power of the USA. Barack Obama, the new president of the USA was informed about the danger of America`s guiding role which gets weakend as a result of the economic advancement of Brazil, China and India. In consideration that those centers of power deem to expand their power in their own interest necessarily. This leads to rivalry and can be regarded as a trigger of a new upcoming crisis. That`s why America should reinforce its role in the world to save the world.

sprachlich jetzt besser, inhaltlich weiß ich nicht weil ich deine Vorlage nicht kenne

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Antwort von clever2008 (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.11.2009 - 21:19
vielen dank füf die korrektur

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