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Kann jemand meinen Text korriegieren ?

Frage: Kann jemand meinen Text korriegieren ?
(2 Antworten)

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It seems as if Researchers Forget that genetic plant can no longer be controlled if they are once in nature, as in the laboratory. They multiply and spread so they can give their properties to related plants. They also appear in the crop of farmers who want to crop without genetics.

Bt-plants are also plants. Bt means Bacillus thuringiensis and it is a bacterium or a poison which can be found in genetic plants. The poison which is produced by the plant is used for pest control. This represents a risk for the enviroment The poison acts on usefull animals too. But the nature is adaptable, so the pest develope power of resistance against ( Spritzmittel ) :D That means you have to set in stronger poison. For example rain forest and natural landscapes were destroyed every day for monocultures. Groundwater is poisoned and furthermore the genetics says that genetically modifid plants would reduce the world hunger. but this is not true.

The ecological System is in danger because of the genetic Pollution and the Price for ecological Food get more expensive

Frage von labla (ehem. Mitglied) | am 02.02.2014 - 18:15

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Antwort von matata | 02.02.2014 - 20:46
hiess deine Aufgabe? Gab es einen Text oder eine Quelle für diese Aussagen? Was soll man korrigieren? Inhalt? Englisch? Hast du einen Link mit den Informationen?
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Antwort von labla (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.02.2014 - 20:59
Ich muss ein Referat morgen in englisch halten. Die Informationen habe ich aus verschiedenen quellen. A Nur ich musste alles vom deutschen ins englische uebersetzen.

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