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Summary korrigieren: Discrimination of black people

Frage: Summary korrigieren: Discrimination of black people
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 7
America has abolished the slavery since the 18th of December 1865, however, still there rules a suppression of black people, which was ousted.
On the “field of angels” you can see a list of dead children from slaves.
They died before they were 3 years old. The Identity of humans have wiped out. “We still close our eyes of what made us that we are today”.
The foundation based on the exploitation of black people. In school they want to clear up the children that the mistakes of the past will not repeated.
Between 1865 till 1950 are 4000 lynching’s documented, this was staged as a spectacle. White people often use terror and they get away with impunity. On the other hand black people were killed, because of any minor offenses.
One important step in the racial segregation period was that black people wasn’t allowed to vote. Thanks to Martin-Luther King the black people protested against the government.
After the congress the election ban was abrogated. After Martin Luther King died in 1968 the discrimination still continue. Black are still disadvantaged. They feel subconscious still second-rate. The American Dream is self-deception. America is built on deprivation of liberty, destruction of families, rape of mothers and the sale of children. The slavery is still not finished and its a tradition in America.
America still needs Enlightenment.
Frage von jsica | am 06.01.2016 - 14:00

Beiträge 1559
Antwort von LsD | 06.01.2016 - 15:47
America has abolished the slavery since the 18 th of December 1865, however, still there is a suppression of black people today.
On the “field of angels” you can see a list of dead children from slaves (?).
They died before they were 3 years old. The identity of those humans have been wiped out. “We still close our eyes, ignoring this is part of our history (?)”.
The foundation based on the exploitation of black people. In school they want to teach the children that the mistakes of the past should not be repeated.
Between 1865 and 1950 there are 4000 lynching’s documented, this was staged as a spectacle. White people often used terror and they got away with impunity. On the other hand black people were killed, because of any minor offenses.
One important step in the racial segregation period was that black people were not allowed to vote. Thanks to Martin-Luther King the black people protested against the government.
After the congress (?) the election ban was abrogated. After Martin Luther King died in 1968 the discrimination still continued. Black are still disadvantaged. They feel subconscious still second-rated. The American Dream is self-deception. America is built on deprivation of liberty, destruction of families, rape of mothers and the sale of children. The slavery is still not finished and it`s a tradition in America.
America still needs enlightenment.

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Beiträge 7
Antwort von jsica | 06.01.2016 - 15:49
Danke für deine Hilfe ^^ Ich versuche die Tipps umzusetzen.

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