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Englisch Text

Frage: Englisch Text
(2 Antworten)

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ich habe ein Englisch Text geschrieben.
Die Aufgabe stammt aus dem Workbook von G21.
Ich bitte euch den Text zu verbessern, da ich es morgen für die Klassenarbeit benötige.
Danke Im Vorraus

Now you:
Comment on this statement: Nothing has changed in America sine the 1960s.
Say was you agree or disagree it.

I don`t agree with the statement because I think that the situation of African Americans has improved a lot sine the Civil Rigths Movement.
More black people complet the school and go study .
The famous jobs of the black people is sport, how boxing, basektball and American football, but they have more famous jobs as music, film and politic.
One example is Barack Obama who ist the first black President from American.
Obama is very successful and impartial.
Besides it exists more black people than white people without education and jobs.
Frage von QuizMan (ehem. Mitglied) | am 16.06.2011 - 16:54

Antwort von ANONYM | 16.06.2011 - 18:24
Ich denke es könnte so stimmen...
Hoffe es hilft dir weiter...
I don`t agree with this statement because I think that the situation of African Americans has improved a lot since the Civil Rigths Movement.
More black people complete the school and study .
The most famous jobs of the black people are sporting activities,
like boxing, basketball and American football, but they are also successful with jobs in other areas such as music, film and politic.
One example is Barack Obama who is the first black President of the USA.
Obama is very successful and impartial.
Besides in the world exist more black people than white people without education and jobs.

Antwort von GAST | 16.06.2011 - 18:29
I don`t agree with the statement because I think that the situation of African Americans has improved a lot since the ending of the Civil Rigths Movement.
More black people now finish [--] school and [---]study at colleges or universities .
The most popular jobs with black people
have been sports, as for example boxing, basketball and American football, but now they have more interesting jobs as
musicians, film actors and politicians.
Barack Obama who has become the first black
US-American President is the most outstanding example.
Obama is very successful and impartial.
Besides there still are more black people than white people without education and jobs in the USA.

fett = korrigiert/eingefügt; [--]

Anmerkung: ich habe den Text nur korrigiert; damit fühle ich mich aber für den Inhalt dieses Textes nicht verantwortlich.

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