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Martin Luther King: I have a dream: Facharbeit kontrollieren

Frage: Martin Luther King: I have a dream: Facharbeit kontrollieren
(2 Antworten)

Hey, ich muss am Freitag meine Facharbeit in Englisch abgeben und habe jetzt schonmal den ersten Teil meines Hauptteiles fertig. Ich beherrsche die Sprache leider nicht so gut, deswegen wäre es mir hilfreich wenn ihr hier mal drüber gucken könntet und mir helfen würdet. Vielen Dank!

Martin Luther King had a speach for freedom during the march of Wahington on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on 28th August 1963. Thousands of people most of them were black`s went with him. The speach is about 17 minutes.

1.2 „I Have A Dream“ analysis
The speach „I Have A Dream“ is seperated into two parts.
In the first part Martin Luther talks about the situation of black people in America and about their right`s they normally have.
First he says the situation and after every situation he says their right.
The black`s are still oppressed and they are not accepted by the white people. Furthermore black`s are excluded from the American Dream and in the whole country they don`t play any part in politics.
Martin Luther King uses a lot of metaphor`s to describe their situation. The metaphor`s make it easier to follow him during his speach.
“[M]anacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination“ means that the black`s are treated like slaves and they are discriminated.
The people whereof Luther is talking about are excluded in parts of a city where they are very poor surrounded by rich people,“Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity“. Martin Luther King supports the irregular distribution between the coloured and the white people.
The „unalienable rights of life, liberty, an the pursuit of happiness“ exist in the Declaration of Independence. The idea of the founding father`s was the right`s have to be for „all of God`s children“. This means the black`s have the same right`s as the white people in America. But the problem is that Martin Luther King and his isochromatic folk do not realized that yet.
So they want to encash their heritage and want to live in freedom. Because of this the black people convert their check in „the great vaults of opportunity“.
The speaker Martin Luther King stresses the conflict to the official declarations.
In addition he emphasizes the contradiction to „the tranquilizing drug of gradualism“ and „[the] whirlwinds of revolt“. __________________!>here something is missing
The poetic diction and some of the Bible verse „for all of God`s children“ know the black people because they sing it in the gospel and in the earlier blues – a musical genre which the black slaves sang in America when they have to work on the plantations – also they know these of sermons. The effect _________________________!>something missing
Luther says that they do not want „to satisfy [their] thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred“. He expresses not to solve the matter with might but rather solve it together with the white folk. They have to win freedom together. And the aim is that you are together strong and mighty und you reach success.
King compares „justice rolls down like waters and rigtheousness like a mighty stream“. He uses the comparison to make clear that everybody has to get something of freedom and justice because bodies of water pass through a big part and a stream spreads the justice in the whole country.
Additionally he enhances that the black people are not meant by holing up and isolating.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 13.04.2011 - 10:57

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Antwort von Sheyyla (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.04.2011 - 16:00
Für eine Facharbeit wäre das bei uns vom Umfang her zu wenig.
Außerdem ist dein Englisch wirklich schlecht und du analysierst kaum was.

Ein typischer Fehler von dir ist,
dass du nicht zwischen dem Plural-S und dem Genitiv-S unterscheidest (King`s - blacks). Dann schreibst du was von Luther, aber das ist nur sein Mittelname.

Vieles verstehe ich überhaupt nicht, z.B. "But the problem is that Martin Luther King and his isochromatic folk do not realized that yet".

“[M]anacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination“ means that the black`s are treated like slaves and they are discriminated.

Es ist natürlich eine Anspielung auf die Sklaverei, aber du kannst nicht schreiben, dass sie wie Sklaven behandelt würden. Diskriminierung und Sklaverei ist nicht dasselbe.

King compares „justice rolls down like waters and rigtheousness like a mighty stream“. He uses the comparison to make clear that everybody has to get something of freedom and justice because bodies of water pass through a big part and a stream spreads the justice in the whole country.

Das sind so die wichtigsten Stellen, die du analysieren müsstest. Wenn das eine Anspielung auf die Bibel ist, dann musst du das aufzeigen und vergleichen (es bezieht sich ja z.B. auf das Buch Amos und nicht auf die Sklaverei oder die babylonische Gefangenschaft - warum?). Aber so ist das irgendwie gar nichts.

Antwort von GAST | 14.04.2011 - 15:12
Im Internet wimmelt es nur so von Interpretationen/analysen von Kings "I_have-a-dream-speech"; es mir von daher unverständlich, wie so viel Müll hier darüber abgeladen werden konnte.

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