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What is the target group of this advertisement?

Frage: What is the target group of this advertisement?
(3 Antworten)

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What is the target group oft his advertisement?

The target group of this advertisement are parents and wealthy people who can spend money to the world wide organisation Unicef. They are hoping girls who live in poor countries get the solution to education. If parents look at this ad they could think about it to allow they children especially girls to go to school. A major problem is that only boys get the possibilities to educate themself. Girls arent favoured in mostly families. They have to do housekeeping or should have to go work. The company canon and unicef would like to bring this important topic to the society by publishing this ad. If parents allow girls to go to school, maybe other parents do it too. The best option to get out of poverty is education, so they children would get a better future.

The second target are People from rich countries. Most people know about the condition about education in poor countries and that girls are less worth than boys,but unicef would like to pick up peoples mind about this main problem. Unicef and Canon want to bring it closer to the people, so they would spend money to their organisation. They need money to realize their project to help children.
Frage von once_upon_a_dream (ehem. Mitglied) | am 15.05.2014 - 00:47

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Antwort von kiki2342 (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.05.2014 - 07:17
großem und ganzem ist es gut^^

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 16.05.2014 - 18:06
The target group of this advertisement are parents and wealthy people who can donate money to the world wide organisation Unicef. Their aim is to give girls who live in poor countries a better education. If parents look at this ad they can think about it how well they are off  to allow their children, especially girls, to go to school. A major problem is that in the Third World only boys get the opportunity to get a school education f. Girls are not favoured in most of the  families. They have to do the housekeeping or [---] have to go work. The companies  Canon and Unicef would like to bring this important topic to the the attention of our society by the publication of this ad. If parents allow girls to go to school, maybe other parents will do it, too. The best option to get out of poverty is education, so these children will get a better future.

The second target are people from rich countries. Most of the  people know about the conditions of education in poor countries and that girls are less worth than boys,but Unicef would like to stirr  up these  people`s mind about this main problem. Unicef and Canon want to bring it closer to the people, so they will donate money to their organisations. They need money to realize their project to help children.
Es war manchmal nicht ganz klar,was du sagen wolltest; ich hoffe, den Tenor einigermaßen getroffen.

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Antwort von once_upon_a_dream (ehem. Mitglied) | 16.05.2014 - 18:56
Danke für das Korrigieren :)
Sind doch ziemlich viele Fehler die ich gemacht habe, aber Englisch ist sowieso nicht meine Stärke

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