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Frage: ENglisch
(9 Antworten)

Hello leute !

Wir machen grade ein Thema zu "Relocating".
Da ich in Englisch ne absolute Niete bin, wollte ich euch mal fragen, ob mir jemand diesen text verbessern könnte?

"Why do companies relocate?"

Companies often think about relocating. One of the most import aspect, why companies do relocate is to bring down costs. Maybe the taxes and tariffs are too high in the country or the goverment don`t offer financial aid or govermant grants. Also it could be that in the country the laws and enviroment regulations are too strict.
Another point is, that there is the wrong target group, maybe the companywant new customers, so they have to relocate.
Also the infrastructure could be a problem, if the company cannot be reached by public transport, it could lose its customers because they maybe haven`t own cars.

( Auch gerne verbesserungsvorschläge in Richtung Sprach und Still!)

Danke !
GAST stellte diese Frage am 25.11.2009 - 19:49

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Antwort von zeY (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.11.2009 - 19:54

Antwort von GAST | 25.11.2009 - 19:55
sonst passt alles ?

Antwort von GAST | 25.11.2009 - 19:58
"Why do companies relocate?"

Companies often think about relocating. One of the most import aspects, why companies do relocate is to bring down costs. Maybe the taxes and tarifs are too high in the country or the goverment doesn`t offer financial aid or govermant grants.It could also be, that in the country the laws and enviroment regulations are too strict.
Another point is, that there is the wrong target group, maybe the company wants new customers, so they have to relocate.
Also the infrastructure could be a problem, if the company cannot be reached by public transport, it could lose it`s customers because they maybe haven`t own cars.

Antwort von GAST | 25.11.2009 - 20:06
sehe ich jetzt eigentlich keine verbesserung, bis auf die Satzumstellung im dritten Satz, heißt das alles andere is richtig ?

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Antwort von sophie22 (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.11.2009 - 20:08
most important, heißt es wirklich do relocate? nicth are relocating?, to reduce costs ( is besser als bring down),are too high is ein ganz schlechter ausdruck....ich überleg grad nach nem besseren..., it could also be ( kennst du das wort furthermore, das passt an die stelle eigentlich ganz herrlich rein) that the laws and environmental regulations of the country are too wants ( he she it das s muss mit) und den letzten satz würd ich ein wenig umschreiben...hab leider nicht viel zeit sonst würd ich dir das ding gern umschreiben, sorry.

Antwort von GAST | 25.11.2009 - 20:15
- the government does`nt ( wegen singular 3. Person )besser: the government is not offering

- it could also be that..

- the company wants

Und außerdem würde ich nicht so oft Wiederholungen reinbauen, das senkt das Sprachniveau..Schreib doch mal statt also furthermore oder so :)

Antwort von GAST | 25.11.2009 - 20:16
Ist sehr lieb von dir danke !
das heißt also :
Companies often think about relocating. One of the most important aspects, why companies are relocating, is to reduce costs. Maybe the taxes and tarifs are too high (muss ich ma noch was besseres überlegen. Furthermore it could be that the laws and environmental regulations of the country are too strict. Another point is, that there is the wrong target group, maybe the company wants new customers, so they have to relocate.
Also the infrastructure could be a problem, if the company cannot be reached by public transport, they could use customers because they are lots of customers which haven`t own cars.

besser ?

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Antwort von sophie22 (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.11.2009 - 20:30
jetzt hast du as versehen einen fehler in den letzten satz gemacht, they could use ist bestimmt nicht so gemeint? ;-)

Antwort von GAST | 25.11.2009 - 20:42
aja >.< , ich meinte natürlich "they could lose.."

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