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Referat: Coca Cola - A drink that wrote history

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Coca Cola - A drink that wrote history

1. The history of Coca Cola
2. Coca Cola Truck`s
3. Coca Cola advertisement
4. The inventors biography
5. Coca Cola Beverages
6. Coke International
7. Coca Cola consumption
8. The most expensive brand of the world

1. The history of Coca Cola

  • John Pemberton – - The Inventor of Coca-Cola
  • Birth of Coca Cola
  • Asa Griggs Candler
  • New Coke

2. Coca Cola Truck`s

3. Coca Cola advertisement

4. The inventors biography

5. Coca Cola Beverages

6. Coke International

In the whole world people try to copy Coca Cola for example Pepsi & Virgin Cola and lots of othres. But the same recipe wasn‘t found yet. The varity of Cola drinks: „

Coca-Cola“ is made by the Coca Cola Company, wich also makes Fanta, Nestea, Minute Maid, Sprite and other drinks.
  • Coca Cola
  • Coca Cola light
  • Coca Cola caffeine free
  • Coca Cola Vanilla
  • Coca Cola Cherry (Amerika)

7. Coca Cola consumption

Today Coca Cola is one of the most drunk thirst extinguishers.
In over 200 contries daily over 70 million drinks were enjoyed.
Every second over 7,000 Coca-Cola products are consumed.
The world changed true Coca Cola, because more and more people especially the youth where made attentively.
Through the new taste and the freshness how it was named, that the product should contain, people abstain from other drinks and used to drink Coca Cola.

Today, products of the Coca Cola Company are consumed at the rate of more than one billion drinks per day.

Every day Cola and other drinks from the Coca Cola Company where enjoyed over times in the world.

8. The most expensive brand of the world

1. Coca-Cola 68,9 Mrd. Dollar
2. Microsoft 65,1 Mrd. Dollar
3. IBM 52,8 Mrd. Dollar
4. General Electric 42,4 Mrd. Dollar
5. Nokia 35,0 Mrd. Dollar
6. Intel 34,7 Mrd. Dollar
7. Disney 32,6 Mrd. Dollar
8. Ford 30,1 Mrd. Dollar
9. Mc Donald's 25,3 Mrd. Dollar
10. AT&T 22,8 Mrd. Dollar

With his over 100 year history Coca Cola made it to the top. Coca Cola thrilled over 75% of the worlds population.
Dies ist eine Präsentation über die Getränkemarke Coca-Cola®. Die Präsentation ist in Englisch und deckt folgende Themen ab: Geschichte, Werbung, Getränkearten, Coca Cola Konsum und Erfolg.

1. The history of Coca Cola
2. Coca Cola Truck`s
3. Coca Cola advertisement
4. The inventors biography
5. Coca Cola Beverages
6. Coke International
7. Coca Cola consumption
8. The most expensive brand of the world
(12 Folien, viele Bilder) (353 Wörter)
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