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Englisch Übersetzung: Karikatur (Verbesserung korrigieren)

Frage: Englisch Übersetzung: Karikatur (Verbesserung korrigieren)
(4 Antworten)

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Hallo Leute, hab jetzt mein Englischtext geschrieben und würde mich sehr freuen wenn ihr mein Text koriegieren könntet.

On the first picture you can see a lot of people who are taking a photosynthesis. There are many nations on the pitcure, too. The one who is looking like a teacher is showing on a screen on a tree. The others have a paper in their hands und are making notes about the things, what the teacher is saying. All of them are sitting on chopped trees and the location looks like a desert without any green plants. Even the sky has a orange shade, instead of the color blue. In the upper right-hand corner you can see a desert. The act of the people is the reason why green fields and trees are destroyed. They destory the nature to make papper. Unfortunately of this reason, the nature is not able to produce more oxygen. Without photosynthesis it won`t work. The action is happening in a former forest as you can see there are chopped trees. The pitcure informs us how important the forest to us is but they are destroying the forest. The people in the picture aren`t disturbed that the environment is destroying by their actions. On top of that the environment will be destroyed if they don´t stop to do it. The painter of this picture demonstrate this picture from a funny perspective. The people are destroying their own life and their environs and maybe they don´t recognize it. On their face there is a expression if they find to destroy the important things normal like eyerthing else.The screen with a tree on it, is representing big. The caricaturist wants to show us that the trees are chopped only to make papper. The people are cutting off our trees to make for us paper and other things like a furniture too. This picture don`t have a titel, word or numbers. The trees, the screen and the people are the symbols. The tree is representing the forsests and the people are representing the whole world. The message of the painter is that we shouldn´t damage the nature. On day there will be no trees in this world if we continue to demange it. I have the same opinon as the painter. We should take care of the world and of course of our environment too. If we don´t cut off the trees unless and not waste the oxygen then we are protecting our environment. With that we can help the nature so much. If no one begings to procect our environment then nothing will change. If we are considerated, then this world would becan to bloom more. I hope that there will be one day without environmental damage and that this pitcure shows everyone what we are doing to our world.
Frage von Loveme (ehem. Mitglied) | am 30.03.2014 - 19:00

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Antwort von fuxking (ehem. Mitglied) | 16.05.2014 - 20:00
hast nichts falsch :) außer ich habe was übersehen. 

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 16.05.2014 - 20:43
Wo kann man diese Karikatur sehen? Gibt es einen Link dazu?
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Beiträge 67
Antwort von bea18 | 16.05.2014 - 21:19
On the first picture you can see a lot of people who are taking a photosynthesis. There are many nations on the picture, too. The one who is looking like a teacher is shown on a screen on a tree. The others have a paper in their hands and are making notes about the things, what the teacher is saying. All of them are sitting in chopped trees and the location looks like a desert without any green plants. Even the sky has an orange shade, instead of the color blue. In the upper right-hand corner you can see a desert. The act of the people is the reason why green fields and trees are destroyed. They destroy the nature to make paper. Unfortunately of this reason, the nature is not able to produce more oxygen. Without photosynthesis it won`t work. The action is happening in a former forest as you can see there are chopped trees. The picture informs us how important the forest for us is but they are destroying the forest. The people in the picture aren`t disturbed that the environment is destroyed by their actions. On top of that the environment will be destroyed if they don´t stop to do it. The painter of this picture demonstrates this picture from a funny perspective. The people are destroying their own life and their environs and maybe they don´t recognize it. On their face there is an expression if they find to destroy the important things normal like eyery thing else.The screen with a tree on it, is representing big. The caricaturist wants to show us that the trees are chopped only to make paper. The people are cutting off our trees to make for us paper and other things like a furniture too. This picture doesn`t have a title, word or numbers. The trees, the screen and the people are the symbols. The tree is representing the forests and the people are representing the whole world. The message of the painter is that we shouldn´t damage the nature. One day there will be no trees in this world if we continue to demange it. I have the same opinion as the painter. We should take care of the world and of course,of our environment too. If we don´t cut off the trees unless and not waste the oxygen than we are protecting our environment. With that we can help the nature,so much. If no one begins to protect our environment then nothing will change. If we are considerated, then this world would begin to bloom more. I hope that there will be one day without environmental damage and that this picture shows everyone what we are doing to our world. 
Also das sind die Fehler die mir aufgefallen sind. Falls es noch Fehler geben würden sich unsere Experten beschäftigen.
Alles Gute Bea

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 16.05.2014 - 21:28
Ausserdem stammt die Frage schon vom 30. März dieses Jahres und hat sich sicher schon erledigt in der Zwischenzeit....
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