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Summary: Slaves on Jamaica

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Slaves on Jamaica

1494 discovered Christoph Columbus Jamaica while his secend trip.
1509 became the island spanish colony.
The Arawak (inhabitants) coudn't the spanish- people opposed
and they were enslaved and not much decades later exterminated.
The biggest part of the man were killed,
one part as slaves on the market of Sevilla selled.
The other died at diseases.
Some years after the spanish conquest the spanish- people
began to pick up the african slaves on the island, because they hadn't so much worker.
In the year 1611 were counted more black people, than white people.
After twenty years war, were 1670 Jamaica from the spanish- people
official handed to the british- people, who imported their own slaves.
The slaves were cheap and therefore you don't had to pay attention
to the slaves.
After a short feading, they were showed on the slavemarket.
The most popular slavemarket was the island Jamaica.
Mostly in Port Royal.
But Port Royal was distroyed after the earthquake 1692.
After the sale or the auction, the slaves became a stigma of the new possessor.
Some of the slaves don't survived the first three years in captivity.
Rough 15 million africans were selled on Jamaica.
And Africa has losed between 40 and 100 million people,
because of the slavetrade.
Nearly at the same time, when the first slaves arrived, also began the opposition.
The slaves, who escaped, offered opposition.
They were called "Maroons".
The history of Jamaica is over some centuries the history of a series of
slave- revolts.
The biggest slave-revolt was in the year 1760. Where the slaves arrived,
they left dead and devastation.
Just before they could be stoped, they killed on one morning between
30 and 40 white- people. Babies too.
To whom could proved, that their were involved on the dead of these people, were killed.
The destination to the revolt of the slaves was the killing off all white people and the creating of a black kingdom.
1795 was the next big revolt was briefly before the prohibition of the slave-deal in the year 1811.
Lots of the free slaves went to the uninhabited hill- countries.
Because of the lag of workers, the prices rised.
Therefore Paul Bogles leaded a revolt, due that onehoundreds of farmers died.
1833 were the slave- deal abolished.
But it exists for lots of people in a "cultivated" form still yet.

I hope, that such a thing never will happen, again.
I don't want imagine, what would be, if the slave-deal would introduced again. It would be terrible.
Diese Datein ist über die Geschichte Jamaicas. Es geht um die Sklaven, die die Spanier und dann die Engländer früher auf die Insel brachten, damit sie die Feldarbeiten verrichten, sowie die Hausarbeit den Bürgern von dort abnehmen konnten. Es gab Sklavenauktionen, wo man die Sklaven kaufen konnte. Auch geht es um die Sklavenaufstände und dem Verbot und die Abschaffung der Sklaverei.
Die Aufgabenstellung war, das wir etwas über die Geschichte Amerikas schreiben und somit hab ich mich auf die Sklaven konzentriert und den größten Sklavenmarkt genommen.
(This summary is written in English) (424 Wörter)
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