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My time in school the best or worth time ever ?

Frage: My time in school the best or worth time ever ?
(2 Antworten)

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My time in school starts in the year 2000, in ________ I started my schooltome at the class 1b, my headteacher was Mrs.____________. She was our headtteacher for the next 4 years at primary-school.

In the first 4 years of our schooltime we learnd allot in german,mathematiks and soone at the end of class 4 we went to Ponyhof Gadow it was just great classtrip. After this I spendt 1 year at the secondary school in_________, there I decide that I want to go to grammar school. So after one year there I`d come to ________, there it was very hard at the first time but I find new friends and so it was easyer for my ,at class 6 we went to Nordernei this was my second classtrip and was funny to we see alot there as an example the transrapid. At class 8 we went to breisach their we had an exchange with an french class. then the years gone very fast and know I`m at class _____,and must say that the school time was very fine down to things like standing up at 6 a`clock or an 8 hours day or the late bus after the 8 lessons.
But I thing that the life future wont get easyer I thing that the school time was a great time because we are never alone we ever had someone how helps but later we had to stay on our one feeds
This was my opinion at little view of my school time

Ich würde mich freuen wenn man dies korrektur lesen könnte da ich nicht so gut in englisch bin und dies eine hausaufgabe ist
schonmal danke im vorraus
Frage von Lian23 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 13.08.2012 - 18:04

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Antwort von Lian23 (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.08.2012 - 19:37
antworten wichtig

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Antwort von swenzel (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.08.2012 - 20:48
Ohje... als erstes mal die Überschrift. "Worth" heißt so viel wie wert.
Z.B. "Is it worth that?"->"Ist es das wert?"
My time in school the best or the worst time ever?

My time in school started in 2000 at the "school`s name here". I was in class 1b and Mrs "teacher`s name here" was our headteacher for the first four years. In these years we learned much in german, mathematics and all the other subjects. At the end of class 4 we went to Ponyhof Gadow, which was a great class trip.
After that i spent one year at the secondary school in "school`s town here", where I decided to go to grammar school later. So after one year I went to "grammar school`s name here", which was very hard at the beginning but I soon found new friends and it became easier for me.
In class 6 we went to Nordernei, which was my sencond class trip. We had a lot of fun ("funny" heißt komisch im sinne von merkwürdig, wenn es im Kontext nicht anders hervorgeht. Deswegen lieber anderes Wort nehmen oder umschreiben ;) and we saw many things like for example the transrapid.
At class 8 we went to breisach, ("their" bedeutet "deren", du meintest "there" aber hier passt "where" besser) where we had an exchange with a ("an" verwendet man nur wenn das nächste wort mit einem vokal am Anfang gesprochen wird. Also "apple", "ice", "eagle" oder wie du schon richtig hattest "exchange") french class.
Then the years went by very quickly and now I`m at class "insert grade here" and have to admit that my school time was very fine except for things like getting up at 6 o`clock or an 8 hours day or the late bus after the 8th lesson.
The future life, however, wont get easier and I think that the school time was a great time because we were never alone and we always had someone to help us whereas in our future life we will learn to stand on our own feet.
Der Satz ist etwas unglücklich... ich würde diese zwei Sätze daraus machen:
All in all the school time was a great time because we were never alone and we always had someone to help us. The future life, however, will not be that easy because we will have to learn how to stand on our own feet.
This is my opinion about my school time.

Ich verspreche nicht, dass der Text jetzt fehlerfrei ist, aber dass viel weniger Fehler drin sind als vorher. :D

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