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Reading Journal: The Absolutly true diary of a Part-Time Indien by Sherman Alexie

Alles zu WerkeBook: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian - Sherman Alexie

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Chapter Who? Where? When? What?
p.5-10 Junior First 14 years of his life introduction: illnesses, problems (bullied), draws cartoons
Why Chicken Mean So Much To Me
p.11-17 Junior & Family At Juniors home poor family
not many to eat

Juniors best friend Oscar a dog (>most dependable)

Where the Poverty come from

Oscar being shot by Juniors father
Revenge Is My Middle Name
p.18-26 Junior & Rowdy At Juniors home
The Powwow Talk with Rowdy (>best friend)

Rowdy gets beaten by his parents

Juniors house a safe place

Chicken dancers

Andruss brother's

Rowdy's revenge to the Andruss brother's
Because Geometry Is Not A Country Somewhere Near France
p.27-33 Junior & Sister
Junior &Rowdy
High School at the rez About sleeping in the closet

Sister > Mary (runs away)>(she is good at ruin things, crazy and random

About becoming a high school basketball player

Weird Mr. P

30 year old book belonged to his Mother

Smashed book at Mr. P
Hope Against Hope
p.34-44 Junior & Mr. P On the porch strange talk with Mr. P

Things about Mary Junior didn't knew(>romance novels)

Depressed Family?

"You have to leave the reservation" Mr. P
Go Means Go
p.45-48 Junior & Parents On the porch transfer school

go to Reardan
Rowdy Sings The Blues
p.49-52 Junior & Rowdy Playground the Reardan kids

broken heart

getting hit by Rowdy

best friend=worst enemy
How To Fight Monsters
p.53-63 Junior & Father
Reardan talk with his father

first day at Reardan and Junior feels like a sight

Welcome to Reardan high school


Junior = Arnold Spirit Junior

Rules for fistfight
Grandmother Gives Me Some Advice
p.64-69 Junior & Grandmother
& Eugene & Rowdy Reardan day after fistfight

Eugene and his bike

Penelope - like a bitch
Tears Of A Clown
p.70-71 Junior Junior twelve years old "Dawn" Juniors first love
p.72-75 Junior At the rez
At school the spare change

Penelope stopped ignore Junior and talks with him

Still thinking about Rowdy
Slouching Toward Thanksgiving
p.76-90 Junior
Junior & Mother School
Home Lonely times

The petrified wood and Mr. Dodge

getting home is not so easy >hitchhike

Sister Mary got married and left the rez to Montana

Confused feelings about Mary's marriage

Juniors new friend Gordy > intelligent freak

That thing about books
My Sister Me An E-Mail
p.91-92 Mary A totally different life

Mary is happy

Her dream came true
p.93-95 Family & Junior Home
Rowdy's house great dinner for Thanksgiving

Cartoon for Rowdy

Rowdy respects and misses Junior too
Hunger Pains
p.96-105 Family
Junior School Penelope is bulimic

She opens up to Junior

Junior & Penelope are friends with potential
Rowdy Gives Me Advice About Love
p.106-108 Junior & Gordy School Penelope 's father is racist

Dating each other

Junior got popular at school

Penelope wants to be an architecture
Dance Dance Dance
p.109-119 Junior School dance volleyball play

E-Mail to Rowdy
>no good answer

Junior asked Gordy about Penelope
Gordy says Junior is a racist
Don't Trust Your Computer
p.120-122 Junior & Gordy (& Rowdy) School like community is throwing you away

Rowdy E-Mail
My Sister Sends Me A Letter
p.123-124 Mary New house

Mary writes a book
Reindeer Games
p.125-137 Junior School
The rez Junior got on the basketball team

first game against Wellpinit High School on the rez

the coin hits Junior

Rowdy knocked out Junior

Hospital - talk with the coach
Twenty one:
And A Partridge In A Pear Tree
p.138-139 Junior & Father Home Christmas eve

Juniors father runs away to get drunk but left some money for Junior
Twenty two:
Red Versus White
p.140-145 Junior
& Family Home White kids fathers never come for their kids to school

Indian parents care about their kids and are very tolerant

Grandmother died in an accident
Twenty three:
p.146-154 Junior
& Ted At the rez Grandmothers funeral

People stopped bulling Junior

Ted the weird white guy with the powwow dance costume
Twenty four:
Valentine Heart
p.155-163 Junior
& Gordy school Eugen died by shot in the face

Medea says - a way to understand grief and loss

Jr. is depressed and misses school

New hope because class defense him

Jr. makes lists to keep the joy in his life
Twenty fife:
In Like A Lion
p.164-180 Junior
& Rowdy Re-match with Wellpinit The power of expectations

Nervous yucker

Jr. wants revenge > Rowdy

Jr. feels weird but want to win

Hard playing between Jr. and Rowdy

Reardan won

Jr. playing on the side of Goliath not David

He feels ashamed
Twenty six:
Rowdy And I Have A Long And Serious Discussion About Basketball
p.181 Junior
& Rowdy Jr. e-mails Rowdy to say sorry

This first time Rowdy and Jr. talked since Jr. left makes him a "happy Faggot"
Twenty seven:
Because Russian Guys Are Not Always Geniuses
p.182-195 Junior
& Miss Warren
& Father school 42 funerals in his life


Miss Warren told Jr. his sister is dead

Dad picked him up Jr. starts laughing because his father didn't die the way to school

Hysterical laughing

Weird dream

Rowdy cried at funeral and said to Jr. it is all his fault

Jr. goes to schoool and everyone hugs him
Twenty eight:
My Final Freshman Year Report Card
p.196 his report card
Twenty nine:
p.197-199 Junior
& Family cemetery clean the graves

mother is proud of Jr.

Jr. is happy but cries

He misses rowdy
Talking About Turtles
p.200-210 Junior
& Rowdy
Turtle lake when Junior was ten years old


Turtle lake
Jr. and Rowdy shared dreams and went swimming

Lake without a bottom

Story about stupid horse

Climbed a beautiful tall pike

School ends for summer Jr. will miss white friends

Rowdy asked Jr. to play basketball with him

Rowdy told Jr. his dream

Jr. hopes he can forgive himself for leaving and that the rez can also forgive him

Rowdy and Jr. played one-on-one
They don't count score
Reading Journal to the book The Absolutly true diary of a Part-Time Indien by Sherman Alexies. I did it in elevens grade. (1027 Wörter)
Sherman Alexie | The Absolutly true diary of a Part-Time Indien | Reading Journal
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