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Englisch Aufsatz bitte korrigieren!

Frage: Englisch Aufsatz bitte korrigieren!
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First and foremost there are a lot of reasonable arguments why the drama `The Pushcart Peddlers´ is a realistic view of the American Dream.

One of them is that the Drama actually shows in an ironic way how hard it is to achieve the American Dream because in the story every character acts and talks like they would get famous and wealth in just one second.

This is an illusion though because no one of them will achieve the American Dream just by waiting for nothing or like in the story selling bananas. If someone really wants to achieve this lifestyle then he has to be a very hard-working and ambitious person or he must have a lot of luck because that´s the only way to gain fortune.

Apart from that the very fact that Shimmel Shitzman has to change his name and his attitude to have a spark of chance to achieve the American Dream illustrates the hard reality and what people do to be americanized. Moreover the story is a good example of those people who travel to America to gain money for supporting their families and who want to live the American lifestyle by climbing to the top.
Unfortunately not everything can be fulfilled and that`s why a lot of people live or travel to America and wait hopeless for the day when they achieve fortune or the American Dream.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 20.11.2011 - 23:26

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