A week without Internet
A week without Internet
I use my computer which is connected to the Internet almost every day. Therefore I can hardly imagine that I could voluntarily live without the Internet for a week.
Although it already happened to me that the Internet didn't work - even up to two weeks - I knew that I wasn't responsible and that it will work again soon.
The Internet seems to be made for pupils. It is very useful when I have some problems at school or when we get any homework. You can find lots of information and send them to your friends by e-mail.
Another positive aspect is that I can call many people around the world - for nothing.
It is always necessary to see both sides, pro and con.
After all it is still essential for me to use the Internet because I have learned to obey the rules.
words: 182
Martin Schneider 10c 2004-12-20
Eine Hausaufgabe für Englisch. Es erzählt wie sich Internet auf sich selbst auswirkt. (188 Wörter)
von unbekannt
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