Korrektur zu Sätzen über Club der toten Dichter
Frage: Korrektur zu Sätzen über Club der toten Dichter(1 Antwort)
Vielen Dank, dass Ihr das korrigiert. Teilaufgabe reicht auch, aber ich wäre echt froh wenn Ihr mal einen Blick drüber werfen könntet. Aufgabe 1: The talk between Keating and Neil I think, it’s considerate, that Keating ask for Neils act in the theater. I can not understand, that Neil is lying, because he can Keating trust and he knows, that Keating is stand by Neil. But Neils penalty is his bad conscience. Knox arrival I think, he is very courageous, because of his performance at Chris school and cuting school. The departure for Henley Hall It’s nice from Keating to give the boys a lift. Charlies act, to paint a red lightning on his body shows, that he is a funny boy, who is in a hurry to become girlfriends. I think Knox act to persuade Chris shows his real love and endurance. It’s right from Chris to go with Knox in the teather and that she warn Knox of Chet. Neils act Neil is self-confident, I’m amazed, that Neil is appeared and have his part played fantistical, although Mr. Perry was also in the publicum. Mostly, I can Mr. Perry not unerstand. How can a father penalted his son for a perfect performance? I anticipated, as the write about his visit in the theater, that he changed his opinion for Neils advantage. Knox and Chris I have not ecpect, that Chris changes her emotions so quickly. It’s to hear, that Knox has win his love and that his efforts are worthwile. Aufgabe 2: Thank you for your letter. You are right, we had a verly long time no contact. Momentary I have winter holidays, we have a lot of snow in silver stone (Erzgebirge). There are a lot of time for visiting friends, watching films and reading books. At this moment, I read a exciting book: Dead Poets Society. I want you to tell some facts. The novel is based on the film by Tom Schulmann and written by N. H. Kleinbaum. It’s about a school only for boys in Vermont in 1959. It’s a elite school for rich sons of academics. They have a good organized school day, without any freetime. They didn’t go after school at home, they life at the campus. In the new schoolyear in 1959, they becomes a new English teacher, his name is John Keating. He impress his pupil with peculiar instruction methods (Unterrichtsmethoden) . His motto is “Carpe diem” or “seize the day”. He moves his boys to do some specially activities in their life. A bit later. The pupil find out, that there was a club 20 years ago, in which Keating was a candidat: Dead Poets Society. The aim of the club is to take emotions free way (Gefühlen seinen freien Lauf lassen), without any expectations. The teenager are interested in the club and let them live on. They frequently meet in a hidden cave outside the campus and revel in the recital of all kinds of poetry. Under the influence of their beloved teacher Keating, the boys start learning to be true to themselves and everything seems to be turning out fine. The club has seven candidates, they are only members, when they died (Sie sind erst richtige Mitglieder, wenn sie tot sind) . Then a tragedy happens…. Neil Perry, a candidat of the club want to be an actor. The Dead Poets Society and Keating give courage, he want to turn his dream in reality. He chose a role as the Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. His parents don’t know, what he had done. They are against playing theater. When Neils father notice that, he freaked out ( Als Neils Vater davon erfährt, flippte er aus). After the performance, his father bring Neil at home. He tells Neil, that he will go to a military school. Neil can not comprehend his fate and commit suicide. Because his instruction methods (Unterrichtsmethoden), the teacher and parents put the blame on Keating. He has to go and left school. At the end, when the pupil see the teacher for the last one (das letzte Mal), they stand up on their desks as the last tribute to the former English teacher. Perhaps you watching the film, I recommend it. Have a good slight in the year 2011! |
Frage von lieschene (ehem. Mitglied) | am 13.12.2010 - 19:28 |
Antwort von Senkura (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.12.2010 - 20:03 |
Aufgabe 1: The conversation between Keating and Neil I think, it’s considerate, that Keating asks Neil about his role in the theater. Knox arrivals I think, he is very courageous, because of his performance at Chris school and "cuting, was soll das heissen?" school. The departure of Henley Hall It’s nice of Keating, that he gives the boys a lift. Charlies act, to paint a red lightning on his body shows, that he is a funny boy, who is in hurry to get girls. I think, Knox acts too persuade. Chris shows his real love and endurance. It’s right from Chris to go with Knox in the teather and that she warn Knox of Chet. Neils act Neil is self-confident, I’m amazed, that Neil appeared and besides, he played his part fatalistically, although Mr. Perry was also in the audience. Mostly, I can not understand Mr. Perry. How can a father "punish" his son for a perfect performance? I anticipated, "as the write about his visit in the theater, was soll das heissen".., that he changed his opinion in favor of Neil. Knox and Chris I did not expect, that Chris changes her emotions that quick. It’s "obvious?", that Knox won his love due to his effort. Den rest kann ein anderer machen. Nicht mal verneinen kannst du richtig. Ich glaube nicht, dass du es gemacht hast bzw irgendwie verbessert hast. |
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