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Movie Review

Frage: Movie Review
(3 Antworten)

Hallo Leute :)

In der nächsten Arbeit sollen wir ein Movie Review schreiben.Zur Übung hab ich mal eins vorgeschrieben.Könnt ihr mir Verbesserungen geben ?:)
DANKE ! :*
My movie review is about "Mit dir an meiner Seite".The running time is 107 minutes.
The movie ist from Nicholas Sparks.Miley Cyrus as ( Veronica "Ronnie") is the main figure in the movie.The score "when i look at you" is also from Miley.Veronica is an angry, rebellious seventeen years old teenager.She enstranges from her parents since their saparation.Although she is
acceptes by a prestigious music school,but she rejects this.With her father Steve, who taughts her to play the piano, she doesn`t speaks,until her mother
Kim sends Ronnie and her brother Jonah to their fahter over the summer holidays.But through their shared love of music, Ronnie and her father find slowly back together.In the holidays she falls in Love with Ronah.They are so happy,but one day,they fight and ronnie splits up.
Later,Ronnie finds out,that her father is very ill and die in the next weeks.When the mother Kim come and pick up Veronica and her brother,Veronica stays by her father.
One evening,She plays piano for him.Then,She sees her father is died in the deck chair.What`s now ? Comes Ronnie back to Jonah ? What`s with her Family ?
Find it out.I like this movie very much,because it shows the teenager situation very well.But this movie is so sad,that when i looked this film,all people in the cinema cry.Look this film,you will like this movie ! :)
GAST stellte diese Frage am 16.05.2010 - 20:34

Beiträge 7242
Antwort von John_Connor | 16.05.2010 - 23:30
sinnvole Übergänge und Konjunktionen würden dsicherlich das Lesen bzw das Hören vereinfachen und verschönern! Verzichte auf Satzanfangs-Wiederholungen wie dein `The`!

Beiträge 0
Antwort von Con_Julio (ehem. Mitglied) | 17.05.2010 - 00:22
Nicht gut aber schon besser.

My movie review is about "Mit dir an meiner Seite". It is a movie by Nicholas Sparks with a running time of 107 minutes.
Veronica "Ronnie" (Miley Cyrus) is the protagonist of the movie. ?The score "when i look at you" is also from Miley? Veronica is an angry, rebellious seventeen year old teenager. She has been enstranging from her parents since their divorce. She is
accepted by a prestigious music school, but she refuses visiting it. With her father Steve, who taught her to play the piano, she doesn`t speak, until her mother Kim sends Ronnie and her brother Jonah to their father during the summer holidays.
But through their common love for music, Ronnie and her father slowly find back together. During the holidays she falls in Love with Ronah. They are so happy, but one day they fight and ronnie splits up.
Later, Ronnie finds out,that her father is very ill and will die the next week. When the mother Kim comes and picks up Veronica and her brother,Veronica stays with her father.
One evening she plays piano for him. Then she sees her father has died in the deck chair. What will happen now? Will Ronnie come back to Jonah? What will happen with her Family ?
Find it out yourself. I like this movie very much, because it shows the teenager situation very well. But this movie is so sad,that when i watched this film, all people in the cinema cried .Watch this film,you will like it ! :)

Antwort von GAST | 20.05.2010 - 15:24
Dankeschöön :)
Ein movie review muss im simple present sein.
Stimmen die Texte dann noch ?:S

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