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Frage: Bitte meinen englisch Aufsatz korrigieren!
(7 Antworten)

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Wie schön die Überschrift verrät ;)

Danke euch fleißigen schon mal.

Everyone knows that automation brings big problems.
Nevertheless, the automation of many companies is already widespread. In the big companies can be found almost exclusively automated processes. The trend is showing us that more and more companies are likely to jump on this train. So there must be some reasons why so many companies to switch to automate their workflows.

A not unimportant argument is the fact that it is flexible in terms of production. If any current production coming requests for smaller productions that bring but much more revenue. Could we stop for a short time, the ongoing production and insert one at that. For example, in metal stamping factories imagine it is. The work is long gone and replaced by hand-operated automated processes. So you could stop a production with a button and insert a new production to increase sales.

Even more significant is the reason that it is increasing at an automation competitiveness against other countries. It is therefore not only dependent on the national market but can also explore the international market. It will be open by several new markets for the company. This naturally brings not only short but also brings a greater turnover international customers. Also being improved through the international work, the image of the company.

The main argument is that we can offer through automation products much cheaper than the companies do not rely on automation. Through automation, workflows are no longer carried out by people by hand but run by machines. This also has a second advantage. One machine can work much more accurate, faster and cleaner than a man. As a good example of the auto industry is moving forward. Earlier workers have every single item in a car built by hand. This was very time consuming and, above all, were not ruled errors. Often it seemed that had buttons are not where they should be. A machine makes this activity today automatically, without errors. One machine costs only once a certain purchase amount, and then fall only to the maintenance costs and electricity costs. On the contrary, a worker, it costs a lot of monthly salary or commission and may be sick more often times and can hardly be replaced.

A rather serious argument against the automation products are without character. In the past such as plates were still done by hand. They had therefore a unique product. It was somewhat expensive, but hold something special. Today, plates are machine-made, they have no special value. There is a kind of dish a million times in the world.

The main argument against the automation is, however, the increase in unemployment. People get dismissed as machines take over their work. The number of unemployed increased from year to year, as more and more companies come up with this idea of switching to automation.

The automation is not the best solution. It will put too many people on the street. Workers are unemployed and can hardly keep himself above water let alone support a family with a child. There should be a social solution to this problem.

Frage von Mandy0688 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 03.02.2010 - 19:58

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Antwort von Mandy0688 (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.02.2010 - 20:39
mir keiner helfen ? :(

Antwort von GAST | 03.02.2010 - 20:44
Der Text ist verdammt lang. Möglicherweise ist jemand gerade dabei ihn zu korrigieren.
Vielleicht solltest du ihn auch in kleine Stücke aufteilen und per PM an Englisch-Experten schicken, die sich die Mühe machen, die Text-Abschnitte zu verbessern. Die Korreguren kannst du ja dann wieder zusammengefügt hier reinstellen damit später Suchende auch etwas davon haben.

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Antwort von Mandy0688 (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.02.2010 - 20:47
Na dann warte ich noch ein bisschen und hoffe dass heute noch einer drüberschauen kann.

Antwort von GAST | 03.02.2010 - 22:18
Ich kann "walking" nur beipflichten, du stellst hier einen ellenlangen Text (über 3 DIN A4 Druckseiten ein und erwartest, dass das noch heute (Zitat von dir: "hoffe dass heute noch einer drüberschauen kann.)
das korrigiert wird; wir sind doch keine Korrektur-Roboter;
ich habe jahrelang SekII-Klausuren, Abi-Klausuren und Facharbeiten von dieser und noch größerer Länge korrigieren mussen; also: mich schrecken diese Texte -und dann noch die Ansprüche der Einsteller -ab.
Ring frei für die "Unverbrauchten" und "Noch-Motivierten".


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Antwort von matata | 03.02.2010 - 22:30
Ich habe einmal die Rechtschreibung korrigiert, aber nur die Rechtschreibung!

Everyone knows that Automation brings big problems. Nevertheless, the automation of many companies is already widespread. In the big companies can be found almost exclusively automated processes. The trend is showing us that more and more companies are likely to jump on this train. So there must be some reasons why so many companies to switch to automate their work flows.

A not unimportant argument is the fact that it is flexible in terms of production. If any current production coming requests for smaller productions that bring but much more revenue. Could we stop for a short time, the ongoing production and insert one at that. For example, in metal stamping factories imagine it is. The work is long gone and replaced by hand-operated automated processes. So you could stop a production with a button and insert a new production to increase sales.

Even more significant is the reason that it is increasing at an automation competitiveness against other countries. It is therefore not only dependent on the national market but can also explore the international market. It will be open by several new markets for the company. This naturally brings not only short but also brings a greater turnover international customers. Also being improved through the international work, the image of the company.

The main argument is that we can offer through automation products much cheaper than the companies do not rely on automation. Through automation, work flows are no longer carried out by people by hand but run by machines. This also has a second advantage. One machine can work much more accurate, faster and cleaner than a man. As a good example of the auto industry is moving forward. Earlier workers have every single item in a car built by hand. This was very time consuming and, above all, were not ruled errors. Often it seemed that had buttons are not where they should be. A machine makes this activity today automatically, without errors. One machine costs only once a certain purchase amount, and then fall only to the maintenance costs and electricity costs. On the contrary, a worker, it costs a lot of monthly salary or commission and may be sick more often times and can hardly be replaced.

A rather serious argument against the automation products are without character. In the past such as plates were still done by hand. They had therefore a unique product. It was somewhat expensive, but hold something special. Today, plates are machine-made, they have no special value. There is a kind of dish a million times in the world.

The main argument against the automation is, however, the increase in unemployment. People get dismissed as machines take over their work. The number of unemployed increased from year to year, as more and more companies come up with this idea of switching to automation.

The automation is not the best solution. It will put too many people on the street. Workers are unemployed and can hardly keep himself above water let alone support a family with a child. There should be a social solution to this problem.
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.02.2010 - 22:37
Everyone knows that automation can cause big problems. Nevertheless, the automation in many companies is already widespread. In big companies almost exclusively automated processes can be found. The trend is shows us that more and more companies are likely to jump on the bandwagon. That means that there must be some reasons why so many companies switch over to the automation of their workflows.

An important argument is the fact that automation is flexible in terms of production. If during a current production the request for a smaller production is submitted, that could generate much more revenue, the ongoing production could be stopped for a short time. (Ich bin mir aber nicht sicher, ob ich die beiden Sätze richtig verstanden habe, da ich nun nach der Überarbeitung keine Verwendung mehr für das insert one at that --> insert another production instead? habe...) Look at the example from a metal stamping factory: The worker had gone long ago and had been replaced by hand-operated automated processes. In this case it is possible to stop a production with the touch of a button and insert a new production to increase sales.

Even more significant is the increasing (ich verstehe das it vor dem increasing nicht) automation competitiveness towards other countries. Automation is therefore not only dependent on the national market but can also explore the international market and can open several new markets for the company. This naturally brings not only short (Ist das ein Nomen?) but also a greater turnover from international customers. The image of the company could also be improved by the effort on the international markets.

The main argument is that, with automation, we can offer much cheaper products than the companies that do not rely on automation. Through automation, workflows are no longer carried out by people by hand but run by machines. This has a second advantage. A machine is able to work much more accurate, faster and cleaner than a human being. The auto industry can serve as a good example: Former workers built every single item in a car by hand. This was very time-consuming and, above all, errors were not ruled out. Often it seemed that had buttons (was ist das?) were not where they should be. A machine carries out this activity automatically today, without errors. One machine only costs once in a certain purchase amount, and afterwards only maintenance costs and electricity costs arise. On the contrary, a worker produces a lot of costs: monthly salaries or commissions and furthermore he or she may often fall sick and can hardly be replaced.

A rather serious argument against the automation products is that they are without character. In the past such products like plates were still done by hand. The consumer therefore bought a unique product. It was somewhat expensive but hold something special. Today, plates are machine-made, they have no special value. One kind of dish is sold a million times all over the world.

The main argument against the automation is, however, the increase in unemployment. People are dismissed because machines take over their work. The number of unemployed has increased from year to year as more and more companies come up with this idea of switching over to automation.

To conclude, automation is not the best solution. Too many people would be turned out on the street because of automated workflows. Workers would become unemployed and can hardly keep themselves above water, let alone the support for their families. There should be a social solution to this problem.

Da es schon spät ist, habe ich bestimmt nicht alles gefunden (vielleicht sogar mangels Konzentration noch Fehler reingebracht), denn ich bin für heute verbraucht...
Und der Text ist wirklich lang...

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Antwort von Mandy0688 (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.02.2010 - 23:01
Vielen vielen Dank euch !

Wünsche euch noch einen schönen und "erholsamen" Abend ;)


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