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Referat: Edgar Allan Poe Handout

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Edgar Allan Poe (19. January 1809 – 7. Oktober 1849)

He was the son of Actress Elizabeth Poe and Actor David Poe Jr., who died at the age of 36. His mother died of Tubercolosis at 24 years on December 11, 1811. Edgar (2 years old) and his sister Rosalie (1 year old) were orphaned. Rosalie was sent to live with the MacKenzies and Edgar went to live with Juohn and Frances Allan in Richmond, Virginia. In 1826 he entered the University of Virginia and he had to leave the University after one year because of debts. In 1827 Edgar published his first book „Tamerlane and other poems“ anonymously under the signature „A Bostain“. He enlisted in the Army under the name Edgar A Perry. In 1829 he applied for the cadetship in West Point.
Before he went to West Point, he published the book „Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and minor poems“ under the signature Edgar A Poe. He wanted to leave the cadetship but before the cadets gave him a financial aid to publish the next book „Poems by Edgar A Poe“ with the poems „To Helen“ (another version was published in 1848) and „Israfel“. 1832 Edgar moved to Baltimore and won a $50 prize for his story „MS. Found in a Bottle“. From 1835 – 1837 he has the editorial of the Southern Literary Messenger printed by Thomas Willis White in Richmond. Edgar married his 13 years old cousin Virginia. He took care of his aunt Maria Clemm. Edgar has alcohol problems and because of that he was fired from Thomas Willis White. He tried to establish a name in literary journalism, but without any major success. 1945 the poem „The Raven“ was published. In 1847 Virginia died but Edgar kept on writing although his wife‘s death was very hard for him. 1849 Edgar died in Baltimore.

Dies ist ein Handout, eine Kurzinformation über die wichtigsten Stationen und Erlebnisse ion seinem Leben, zum Referat über Egar Allan Poe. Es ist eine Zusammenfassung zu meinem eigenen gehaltenen Referat über Edgar Allan Poe.Informationen aus Microsoft Encarta und Internet. (308 Wörter)
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