Essay reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Bitte lesen :)
Frage: Essay reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Bitte lesen :)(2 Antworten)
Wir müssen ein Essay über "Reconstructive and cosmetic surgery" schreiben,welches dann benotet wird. Wäre lieb wenn ihr einmal Korrektur lesen könnt. Ich hab auch noch nie ein Essay geschrieben,vllt ist das auch vollkommen falsch was ich da geschrieben hab. her mit den Verbesserungstipps :) When people hear the words ‘plastic surgery’, they tend to think of cosmetic surgery and associate it primarily with ageing hollywood actresses who wanted to look younger or of all the prominent figures which have silicone implants and rhinoplasties. But why don’t they think about reconstructive surgery? A surgery which reconstruct physical form and function after birth defects, accidents and diseases. In this essay i will tell you something about reconstructive and cosmetic surgery and it’s results and problems. Reconstructive surgery is done to make someone look normal or to improve function. Tumors, skin cancer, cleft-lip,extra fingers/toes, burn wounds are all examples of why you might have reconstructive surgery done. Cosmetic surgery is only used to enhance the body’s appearance. Many people think of cosmetic surgery as a quick fix to their problems. Some examples of cosmetic surgery are for example face lifts, nose jobs, breast enhancement and liposuctions. But in some cases cosmetic surgery would actually be a form of reconstructive surgery, for example a child with a cleft lip might have surgery done to make the lip connect and look normal. It would be hard for this child growing up with something about himself that it do not like. And on covers of practically every magazine he could see physically fit and beautiful male and female models. That sends the message to viewers; “THIS is beautiful. “ We live in a society where everyone is practically judged by image. Girls want to have the body like Britney Spears and the guys want the body of Brad Pitt because in the eyes of the general public to be “beautiful” you have to look like them. The result of this is that people with deformity could be social exclude and have low self-esteem. So this people would turn to plastic surgery to change the person which they see in the mirror every morning. Finally I vote for plastic or cosmetic surgery if it’s necessary for the self-esteem or physical functions because some kinds of deformations have a reject effect and that could lead to social exclusion or self-esteem problems. Ich weiß es ist viel,aber ihr würdet mir wirklich helfen ![]() |
Frage von *jojo* (ehem. Mitglied) | am 01.03.2009 - 17:36 |
Antwort von *jojo* (ehem. Mitglied) | 01.03.2009 - 17:51 |
Ohweh. Keiner möchte meinen langen Text lesen :((( |
Antwort von GAST | 01.03.2009 - 19:54 |
Doch, hier! Ich finde deinen Essay super, ist gut strukturiert, und die paar Fehler die drin sind, sind unerheblich. Vier stilistische Vorschläge: - Du schreibst an einigen Stellen so etwas wie hier: "...why you might have reconstructive surgery done". Besser als das "you" an der Stelle ist das englische "one" - du würdest im Deutschen hier "man" sagen. "... why one might consider plastic surgery / having reconstructive surgery". - Ich habe gelernt: nicht ankündigen, machen! Du schreibst: "In this essay i will tell you something about reconstructive and cosmetic surgery and it’s results and problems." Sowas ist eigentlich nicht nötig. "Ich werde... tun" kann man weglassen, wenn man einfach loslegt. Also: "Reconstructive and cosmetic surgery are associated with both positive and negative consequences." Und dann weiter. - "Finally I vote for plastic or cosmetic surgery if it’s necessary for the self-esteem or physical functions because some kinds of deformations have a reject effect and that could lead to social exclusion or self-esteem problems." Das Wort "I" ist in Essays nicht verboten, das ist also völlig okay hier. Nur der Ausdruck "I vote for" ist ein bisschen unidiomatisch. :) Dreh`s doch einfach um und mach daraus: "It cannot be argued that some kinds of deformations really have reject people and thus, can lead to social exclusion. Deformations that affect physical functions might also lead to self-esteem problems. In those cases, I am convinced that plastic surgery is necessary or can at least be of great help." So hast du deinen "Meinungssatz" sogar ganz am Ende stehen, das ist immer ein netter Schluss. Ansonsten: alles bestens! :) |
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