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Essay on Global Population

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Essay on global population

Global population continues to rise at a rate of roughly 78 million people per year. In Africa, for example, the population has tripled since 1960 and continues to grow.

What effects does it have on individuals and societies? Are there any ways of solving these problems? The population density is a very big problem for governments in every affected country. Because of increasing numbers of people, the full capacity of job market is used. As a result, more people are jobless and the state has to support them financially.

Most population growth takes place in developing countries - areas least able to afford more people. That is another problem with regard to overpopulation. The natural resources are limited. Even today, industrialized countries import resources, to satisfy people's standard of living. This destroys the living space of millions of people. These places are plagued by deforestation and other exploitation of natural resources.
So now could we solve these problems? First, we could improve genetic engineering in order to create resources artificially. For example, food could be changed to make it more suitable or attractive.
Consequently, there would be enough resources for every human being. Second, the governments of developing countries could draft a law to limit population destiny.
There could also be a law for a minimum age when women are allowed to be pregnant.

The constantly growing world population and its risks. Essay , Klasse 12 (226 Wörter)
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