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Englischer Text - Fehler drin?

Frage: Englischer Text - Fehler drin?
(4 Antworten)

ich hoffe, dass ihr meine Fehler korrigieren könnt (hoffe zwar, dass ich keine gemacht habe, aber....
;-)) )

I think that the media in the future will be more quickly and more detailed.
A good example for this is the online programme “Google Earth”. The graphic of “Google Earth” will be much better in the future, so that you can observe und pursue all things, which are happening at the moment. If someone robs a bank, then the media can, for example on the transmitter “RTL”, show the direct transmittion on TV.
The media haven’t to wait of the informations of the reporters or of a interview from a police officer, they will be informated by “Google Earth”, as the same time it is happening, so the media is up-to-date every day, every lesson and every second.
This is an example, that the media will be much more quickly and more detailed in the future.

The consequences of these developments might be that all people will observed more quickly and more detailed.
An example, a men rob a bank and flee from the police. The police take a report on this situation. And so the officers at the station can be look over “Google Earth” where the robber is and can announce his actually station.
This on the other hand will be good and bad. It will be bad for the robbers but it will be good for the other people like the officers, the bank and so on.

But a bad thing on these changes is that it will get less and less reporters because you won’t need so many reporters, for an example, to look at “Google Earth”.

Und? Viele Fehler?

Liebe Grüße
GAST stellte diese Frage am 21.11.2008 - 20:55

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Antwort von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.11.2008 - 21:21
"The media haven’t to wait of" ,
d.h The media has not to wait for; "of a interview " d.h "for...";"informated " ,d.h informed; "An example, a men ", d.h "For a example...";

diese fehler sind mir beim überfliegen des textes aufgefallen , würden sicherlich mehr sien wenn ich richtig lese^^

Antwort von GAST | 21.11.2008 - 21:54
Supi :-))))
Danke dir!

Habe ich jetzt korrigiert!

Aber das heißt doch vor "interview" und "example" "an interview" und "an example", oder?

Findet ihr noch mehr Fehler?

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Antwort von 06-Gizem-06 (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.11.2008 - 22:03
der aller erste satz ist bisschen unverständlich
If a bank is raided, then the media can immediately track this happening and show it on the TV.
when it´s happening, so the media is up-to-date every day and every second
every lesson würde ich weglassen ;)
On the one hand it´s good to have online programmes like "google earth", but if the reporters are not needed in the media, the unemployment would rise !
But there would be also no live interviews of witnesses or victims !

joaa du musst deine sätze nochmal durchgehen, weil manche sind nicht so sinnvoll gebildet bzw. kein passendes vokabular vorhanden;)

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Antwort von 06-Gizem-06 (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.11.2008 - 22:04
are not needed in the media any longer *

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