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Englischer Praktikumsbericht: Kontrollieren, bitte !

Frage: Englischer Praktikumsbericht: Kontrollieren, bitte !
(3 Antworten)

Beiträge 7
Hi, ich muss einen englischen Praktikumsbericht schreiben und wollte mal fragen ob jemand noch Fehler findet. Hier erstmal der deutsch Text damit ihr wisst was ich sagen will:

Ich habe mein Praktikum in der Computerfirma "Angewandte Computertechnik Weiser GmbH" in Hagenow(Stadtname) verbracht. Meine Arbeitszeiten waren sehr kurz weil es nicht viel zu tun gab. Meine Aufgaben waren hauptsächlich das Lager aufzuräumen und neue Computer auspacken. Es gab keine besonderen Erlebnisse. Meistens war die Arbeit einseitig und langweilig. Mein Chef hat mir nichts über die Firma und den Beruf erzählt. Ich habe deshalb nur wenige Einblicke in die Firma bekommen. Es ging nur darum die Aufgaben zu erfüllen. Ich habe durch dieses Praktikum leider keine neuen Erkenntnisse erlangt. Deshalb hat mir das Praktikum leider nicht gut gefallen. Ich denke das dieser Berufsweg nicht für mich in Frage kommt.

I completed my internship in the computer company "Angewandte Computertechnik Weiser GmbH" in Hagenow. My working hours are very short because it was nothing much to do. My tasks was mainly to clean up the stock and to unpack new computers. There were no specifically experiences. Mostly the work was unilateral and boring. My Boss doesn`t told about the company and the job to me. I have therefore only get a few insights into the company. It was all about the tasks to fulfill. Unfortunately I have gained through this internship no new information. Therefore, my internship has unfortunately not well liked. I think that this career is not for me to question.

Ich hoffe mir kann da jemand weiterhelfen, denn ich denke da werden noch viele Fehler drin sein.
Frage von Knete1 | am 16.11.2013 - 14:28

Beiträge 1559
Antwort von LsD | 17.11.2013 - 11:20
Du ärmster.. ich kenne leider auch viele Freunde, die von Ihren Praktika bei kleineren Computerfirmen enttäuscht waren. Ich habe aber mal den Namen der Firma entfernt, da das hier nicht von Bedeutung ist.

From DATUM to DATUM I completed an internship in the computer company "xxx" in Hagenow. My working hours were very short because there was not much to do for me. My tasks were mainly to clean up the stock and to unpack new computers. There were no exciting experiences. Mostly the work was unilateral and boring. My Boss didn`t informme about the company and the job. I have therefore only gotten few insights into the Company and did not learn anything about the Business itself. Therefore, my internship has not been helpful to me in deciding about my future carrer and I did not enjoy it at all. But I think that working in an Computer Company like this is not an Option for me.
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 7
Antwort von Knete1 | 17.11.2013 - 13:04
Danke hast mir sehr weitergeholfen

Beiträge 0
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 17.11.2013 - 18:10
Kurze korrektur der "Korrektur":

From DATUM to DATUM I completed an internship in the computer company "xxx" in Hagenow. My working hours were very short because there was not much to do for me. My tasks mainly were to clean up the stock and to unpack new computers. There were no exciting experiences. The work was mostly unilateral and boring. My boss didn`t inform me about the company and the job. Therefore I have only got little insight into the company and I have not learnt anything about the business itself. So /As a matter of fact my internship has not been helpful to me in deciding about my future career and I have not enjoyed it at all. But I think that working in a computer company like this is not an option for me.

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