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Referat: Michael Jackson - Biographie (englisch)

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M i c h a e l J a c k s o n

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29th 1958 as the seventh child of Catherine and Joe Jackson in Gary/Indiana. Taught as well as managed by their father Joe Michael and his brothers Jermaine, Tito, Jackie and Marlon started to practise singing in the 1960es. At the age of five Michael had his first appearance.
The five boys called “Jackson Five” won their first price in a talent-competitionin 1965.
Michael was already the centre of the group because of his singing and dancing qualities.
In 1968 the “Jackson 5” published their first single “Big Boy” at Steeltown Records in Gary. Their debut-single “I want you back” and “Who’s loving you” was sold for 2 million times after two weeks.
Their second No 1 single “ABC” drove the Beatles’ hit ”Let it be” out of the first chart-place.
On October 30th 1971 Michael’s first solo-single “Got to be there” was published and it was a great success, The Jackson 5 beat the spectator-record, which was hold by the Beatles upon that time.
After a rest of four years Michael Jackson performed in the film “The Wizard of Oz” with Diana Ross produced by Quincy Jones.
Michael’s debut LP “Off the wall” – also produced by Quincy Jones , co-produced by himself – was published in August 1979. It contained the single “Don’t stop ‘til you get enough” which he got his first Grammy for in 1980.
On December 1st 1982 the album “Thriller” was brought out. It became the most
sold album – 51Mio specimen in the whole world – and got eight “Grammy Awards”.
In the middle of the 1980s Jackson worked together with some other stars of the pop-business for several productions.
In 1984 Michael, Tito, Jermaine, Jackie and Marlon stuck together for a second time for the album “Victory”.
The song “We are the world”, composed with Lionel Richie, was recorded and presented with forty popular musicians for the “Welthungerhilfe” in 1985.
Besides Michael uncovered his wax-figure at “Madame Tussaud’s” in London.
One of Michael’s greatest albums – “Bad” – was published on August 31st in 1987.
With this album he started his “Bad-World-Tour” in Japan.
Jackson’s autobiography “Moonwalk” came out on April 20th 1988 and was dedicated to one of Michael Jackson’s greatest idols – Fred Astaire.
Some other of his models were James Brown and the Beatles.
In April 1989 MJ started filming the clip “Liberian Girl” in Los Angeles.
This video, in which forty friends of his, e.g. John Travolta, Steven Spielberg and
Whoopi Goldberg appeared, was dedicated to his intimate friend Liz Taylor.
The successful album “Dangerous” and the single “Remember the time” were published in the year 1992.
The same year Michael Jackson founded the “Heal the World-Foundation” for
children. He donated the takings of his “Dangerous-Tour” to this foundation – they amounted 100 Mio dollars.
Another great success followed in 1997 : the album “Blood on the Dancefloor” with the single “Earthsong”.
Michael Jackson, also called “The King of Pop” is one of the most successful soloists of the history of pop.
After his first great successes MJ separated from his father.
In 1993 he gave an interview to a famous chat-show host, Oprah Winfrey, in American Television. He talked about his unhappy childhood – being beaten by his father- and about his loneliness.
He had big problems being a “black”. That was one of the reasons for his lots of surgery: his face and his black skin were completely changed.
In August 1993 the “King of Pop” was accused of sexual abuse of 13 years old
Jordan Chandler.
1993 Jackson withdraws from public for receiving medical treatment because of his drug addiction.
Just 20 months after his wedding with Elvis Presleys’ daughter Lisa-Marie the divorce followed.
On November 15th 1996 Michael Jackson married the nurse Debbie Rowe.
In February 1997 their first child, son Prince Michael Junior, was born. Their daughter Paris Michael Katherine Jackson followed in April 1998.


  1. Microsoft Encarta 99
  2. Bertelsmann Universal Lexikon
  3. Grant, A.: Starporträts: Michael Jackson. 1995
Im Referat "Michael Jackson" geht es um die Erfolgsgeschichte des King of Pop. Seine Familie wird vorgestellt und die Anfänge der Jackson 5 beschrieben. Des weiteren werden alle wichtigen Titel der Gruppe sowie Solo Hits Jacksons aufgeführt. Außerdem behandelt das Referat die private Entwicklung von Michael Jackson. (685 Wörter)
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