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Bitte um Fehlerkontrolle

Frage: Bitte um Fehlerkontrolle
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 53
Wäre mal jemand so lieb und schaut ob ich diese Sätze richtig habe?

von direkter in die indirekte Rede setzen....

Michael: Yes , we did .It was more interesting than Magic Kingdom."
( bei diesem Satz bräuchte ich hilfe)

Sheila :"No, it wasn´t.
They were both super ".
Sheila said that it was not they were both super

Michael: " And tonight we are going to see the Western Show."
Michael said that that night they were going to see the W.S.

Sheila: "That must be fantastic. Friends have told me already about it ."
Sheila said it must be fantastically friendly would you already have talked about it.

Michael: "And after the Show we will have some time to relax a little .I´m so tired".
Michael said that after the show they would still need sometime to relax.

Gruß Petra
Frage von Pauken | am 30.10.2013 - 09:53

Beiträge 0
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.10.2013 - 10:20
Michael: Yes , we did .It was more interesting than Magic Kingdom."
( bei diesem Satz bräuchte ich hilfe)

said that they had done so; that it had been more interesting than M.K.

Sheila :"No, it wasn´t. They were both super ".
Sheila said that it was not they were both super

S. said that it had not been so: they had both been super.

Michael: " And tonight we are going to see the Western Show."
Michael said that that night they were going to see the W.S.


Sheila: "That must be fantastic. Friends have told me already about it ."
Sheila said it must be fantastically friendly would you already have talked about it.

S. said that it had to be fantastic. Friends had already told her about it.

Michael: "And after the Show we will have some time to relax a little .I´m so tired".
Michael said that after the show they would still need sometime to relax.

M. said that after the show they would still have some time to relax a little because he was so tired.

Beachte: Die einleitenden Hauptsätze (z.B. M. said…“) stehen im past tense, dann musst die Zeitenverschiebung (time shift) anwenden!
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Beiträge 53
Antwort von Pauken | 30.10.2013 - 12:35
Vielen Dank und auch für den Zusatztipp, ich weiß ich muß noch sehr üben.
Schönen Tag noch

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