Referat: Los Angeles : presentation about history and facts

Los Angeles
- founded in 1781- got name from the church “El pueblo de Nuestra Senora, la Reina de los Angeles de
- many people came to L.A. in 1876 -> Southern Pacific Railway were completed
in 1885-> Santa Fe Railway were comleted
-> so many people from the USA can easy go there
- in 1892 petroleum were found and film industry change from Chicago to L.A.
-> a wave of immigrants were again
- in 1913 “Owens-aqueduct” were built, because in L.A. lived many people and they
needed all drinking water
- a problem were the more and more social, also partly racist motivated, violent riots
-> a reason are the protection precautions
- area: 1200 (for that reason is of the biggest city in the world)- 15 million inhabitants, of it 3,5 million inhabitants in the downtown
- in L.A. live different races
- biggest group are the Hispanics(40%)
- behind white(35%)
- then black(15%)
- asian(10%)
- high atmospheric pressure
- in the east are mountains
- so there is no exchange of the atmosphere
- the result is the smogsituation
- for that reason important Highways were destroyed
- but in the Downtown are earthquake safed houses
- start in the Downtown
- through Hollywood (from Westhollywood the street is also named ”Sunset Strip”)
- then the street leads to Beverly Hills and Bel Air before
- it end at the famous Highway no.1 at the Pacific Coast
- ca. 1 carhour southern from L.A. is the Disneyland, it was founded in 1958
- in the west of L.A. is Beverly Hills and Bel Air
-> the 2 parts of L.A. are popular residance of the High Society
Referat in Stickpunkten über die Stadt Los Angeles in Kalifornien, USA auf Englisch. (363 Wörter)
von unbekannt
Los Angeles | Megalopolis | Megametropole | Kalifornien | Usa | Californien | City | Englisch | Referat | English | Vereinigte Staaten | L.A. | presentation
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