Korrektur :/
Frage: Korrektur :/(3 Antworten)
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of BOSCH I would like to welcome you here today. My name is _____ and I am the Sales Manager of BOSCH. |
Frage von Marsi66 | am 04.12.2017 - 12:18 |
Antwort von olgar | 04.12.2017 - 12:30 |
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of BOSCH I would like to welcome you here today. My name is _____ and I am the Sales Manager of BOSCH. Before I start with the presentation it would be appreciated if you wrote down questions which will be discussed after the presentation. The topic of my presentation is the book (What kind of book?) by Mario Klarer called “Präsentation in Englisch”. This topic will be interesting for you because you always have to be able to use the presentation techniques in your life. In the book by Mario Klarer those presentation techniques are explained thoroughly. Examples are also listed in the book. First of all, the book (you`re using the word book too often here!) is divided into chapters (Well, most books are. How many chapters? What`s unique about them?) so you do not lose track. This way, you can learn the techniques of a presentationstep by step, which will lead to a more successful presentation. Did you know that the book was written in German? I will be happy to answer your questions now. Thank you all for listening, it was a pleasure being here today. - Generell gibst Du deinen Hörern nicht viel Information über das Buch. Sprach-technisch gar nicht mal so schlecht aber ich würde am Inhalt arbeiten. Einige Korrekturen sind auch nicht per se falsch, sondern klingen etwas komisch. Klar geht`s in dem Buch um Präsentationen. Aber was macht es so besonders? Was für Techniken werden darin vorgestellt? Musst dabei ja nicht ins Detail gehen, aber das hier ist schon sehr oberflächlich. Viel Glück bei der Präsentation! |
Antwort von Marsi66 | 04.12.2017 - 13:53 |
Danke für dein Feedback es sollte nur kurz eine 1/2 seitige oberflächliche Präsentation sein. |
Antwort von olgar | 04.12.2017 - 16:54 |
Verstehe, na dann gibt es inhaltlich wohl doch nichts zu korrigieren ![]() |
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