Referat: Hollywood - History, Academy Awards and Problems

Walk of Fame
Academy Awards
Categories for the Oscars
- major center of movie studios and stars- district of Los Angeles, California
- population is estimated about 300 000 people
Vocabulary: estimated: geschätzt ,district: Stadtbezirk
- June 1,2005-In 1853: only one adobe hut
-In 1900 Hollywood had a population of 500 people
-Hollywood is named by Daeida Wilcox
-In the early 1900s motion picture studios moved to Hollywood
-1911: The first movie studio founded in Hollywood area
-The famous Hollywood sign was erected in 1923
-First Academy Awards in 1929
-From 1927 to 1948: Golden Age of Hollywood
-December of 1947: first Hollywood TV production
-In the 1950s other buisness moved to Hollywood
Vocabulary: adobe: Lehm erected: errichtet silent era: Stummfilmzeit entrance: Eintritt settle: niederlassen
Walk of fame
-One of Hollywoods most popular tourist attractions-Walk of Fame lies on both sides of Hollywood Boulevard and Vine street
-Created in 1958 -First star for Joanne Woodward
-Today: more than 2000 stars as a tribute
vocabulary: fame: Ruhm tribute: Anerkennung
Academy Awards
-The Oscar statue was initally made of bronze-Today: out of tin, copper and coverd with 10-carat gold size and weight: its 24cm high and its weight is 3kg
-Since 2001 the Academy Awards take place in the Kodak Theatre, LA - Titanic is the most successful movie ever 11 Oscars, 4 Golden Globes, 1,8 billion dollars
vocabulary: initially: anfänglich tin: Zinn copper: Kupfer supporting role: Nebenrolle
Categories for the Oscars
Actor in a leading role, Actress in a leading role, Actor in a supporting role, Actress in a supporting role, Animated feature film, Art direction, Cinematography Costume design, Directing, Documentary feature, Documentary short subject, Film editing, Foreign language film, Makeup, Music, Best picture, short film, Sound editing, Sound mixing, Visual effectes, Adapted Screenplay, Original ScreenplayProblems
-Lots of young people come to Hollywood and want to become stars-lots of homelessness and criminmals
Präsentation über Hollywood in Englisch mit Bildern. Neben einer Kurzvorstellung werden die Geschichte, der Walk of Fame, die Acedemy Awards sowie die Oscars thematisiert, aber auch Probleme, die diese mit sich bringen. (9 Folien + Animation) (338 Wörter)
von unbekannt
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