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Referat Madame Tussaud's

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Madame Tussauds

Let me talk about the famous wax figure of museum Madame Tussauds!
It was founded by Marie Tussauds in France in the year 1835. This museum shows wax figures of sport stars, the Royals, pop stars, politicians and world leaders, film stars, historical figures and fantasy characters. The first museum in London was built in 1802, but on the place where it is now in 1884. The first person, who Marie had copied in wax by herself, was the French author Voltaire.

In London there are about 300 wax figures. It often changes, because new figures were made and some old figures were expulsed.
The wax figure of Adolf Hitler is worth 200.000. In the 2nd World War German bombs destroyed the museum. Ironically, the figure of Hitler is one of the few figures who survived.

The making-of:
At first there is a meeting with the person who will be made. Only the fashioning of the head takes 6 weeks. The hair of a wax figure is made of real hair. It is traditional at Madame Tussauds that the celebrity provides his clothes for the production of the figures. The figures wear original clothes.
It takes six months, 1100 kg of wax and 30.000 to make one of Madame Tussauds wax portraits.

Madame Tussauds today:
Today Madame Tussauds is very well-known. It has been visited by over 200 million visitors since it has begun 200 years ago. Over 2.5 million people a year visit the museum, to see the celebrities of all types.

The Course:
A visitor has to follow a special way. At first you go to a Garden party with guests like Britney Spears, David Beckham and Robbie Williams. In the Grand Hall you can see the politicians and the head of states and of course the Royals. Also dictators like Hitler and Sadam Hussein are in the Grand Hall.
For the room of horror you have to pay extra. Torture, execution and murder can be watched with spooky sound. People with a heart pacemaker aren't allowed to go in there.
After that you can take a ride with a little black taxi through the history of London where you can see the great fire in 1666 etc.
At least the trip ends with a 4D film with a shaking floor and real smoke.

I think Madame Tussauds is so fascinating, because the figures look so real. It is unbelievable how figures made of wax look like persons.
Es ist ein Referat über das Wachsfgurenkabinett Madame Tussaud's.
Note: 2 (401 Wörter)
von Tobi991
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