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Frage: Verbesserungsvorschläge?
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 3
wir schreiben morgen ein Klassenarbeit in englisch… Im freien Schreibteil müssen wir über unseren Trip nach London schreiben was wir da machen würden und besuchen würden.

Könnte da jemand drüber gucken?
Wie könnte ich noch Conditional Sentence Typ 1 einbauen?
Dear Johanne
I have been London for three days now and the weather has always been sunny. I am standing at a nice hotel with great food in north London.
I have already visited London Eye, Tower Bridge and Madame Tussaud’s who is a very famous waxwork museum. You can see lifelike wax figures of many famous people. London Eye is a huge wheel. If you go on it you have a wonderful view of the city. And Tower bridge was built 1894 and is one of the most beautiful bridges in the world.
I like the shopping in London because, there are some good shopping streets for example Oxford Street. And I like the much famous buildings, because they are interesting.
I’m going to see Buckingham palace and at the evening I’m going to watch a movie at a huge London cinema tomorrow.
See you soon, Sofie
Frage von haunejuro.09 | am 05.10.2021 - 20:29

Beiträge 40306
Antwort von matata | 05.10.2021 - 21:17
Grundsätzlich darfst du jede Frage nur einmal stellen...

wir schreiben morgen ein Klassenarbeit in englisch… Im freien Schreibteil müssen wir über unseren Trip nach London schreiben was wir da machen würden und besuchen würden.

Könnte da jemand drüber gucken?
Wie könnte ich noch Conditional Sentence Typ 1 einbauen?
Dear Johanne
I have been London for three days now and the weather has always been sunny. I am standing at a nice hotel with great food in north London.
I have already visited London Eye,
Tower Bridge and Madame Tussaud’s who is a very famous waxwork museum. You can see lifelike wax figures of many famous people. London Eye is a huge wheel. If you go on it you have a wonderful view of the city. And Tower bridge was built 1894 and is one of the most beautiful bridges in the world.
I like the shopping in London because, there are some good shopping streets for example Oxford Street. And I like the much famous buildings, because they are interesting.
I’m going to see Buckingham palace and at the evening I’m going to watch a movie at a huge London cinema tomorrow.
See you soon, Sofie

Frage von haunejuro.09 | heute - 20:29
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 77
Antwort von moli | 17.10.2021 - 01:11
Dear Johanne
I have been London (in London)for three days now and the weather has always been sunny. I am standing at a nice hotel with great food in north London.
I have already visited London Eye,
Tower Bridge and Madame Tussaud’s who is a very famous waxwork museum. You can see lifelike wax figures of many famous people. London Eye is a huge wheel. If you go on it you have a wonderful view of the city. And Tower bridge (Tower Bridge) was built 1894 (in1894) and is one of the most beautiful bridges in the world.
I like the shopping in London because, there are some good shopping streets for example Oxford Street. And I like the much famous buildings, because they are interesting.
I’m going to see Buckingham palace (Buckingham Palace) and at (in) the evening I’m going to watch a movie at a huge London cinema tomorrow.
See you soon, Sofie

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