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Kurzreferat: FC Chelsea

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I want to tell you something about Chelsea, it’s a football club in England/London. It is also known as "the Blues" because of its blue dressed players. FC Chelsea was founded in the year 1905 by the Mears-brothers. The Blues are homey on the Stamford Bridge, the stadium where their home games are discharged. In 2003 a historical happening has influenced the whole footballworld. Roman Abramovitch, a russian oil multimillionaire, bought up 100% of the club. Since 2003 he has invested 400 Mio Pounds in the team! The team coach is the portuguese Jose Morinho who won the UEFA Cup and the Champions League with the FC Porto. the Teamcapitan is John Terry who is defender. Other important players are Frank Lampard, Mikael Essien and Arjen Robben who are midfield players.
Also Didier Drogba, offender, is very important for the team. Greatest successes were the Community Shield, the FA Cup and the League Cup. Since 2003 Chelsea has got his own Pay TV Channel which is called „Chelsea TV“. Last season Chelsea has won the Community Shield and the League Cup. In the Champions League the Blues reached the Semi-final where they lost against Liverpool, later Champions League winner!On their way to the semi-final they also won against teams like the FC-Bayern München and FC Barcelona.

Ein kurzes, 5 minütiges Referat über den englischen Fußballclub FC Chelsea London.

(Englisch, ) (212 Wörter)
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