Referat: London

My Unit-Task is about London, the capital of England.
London is one of the famous cities in the world and was created 43 after Christ by the Romans.
London is a very big and a very expensive city. It’s so big, which gives it to 20000 taxis. Today it has more than 7.1 million inhabitants, and more than twenty-five million Tourist visit London every year. The tourists spend each year 10 billion Euros in London.
In London can you see there many wonderful sights. Here a few of these sights:
Big Ben: The Big Ben is the monument of London. The bell weighs thirteen a half tons; it's the largest bell all over the world. Big Ben hangs in a tower which is 97 meters high.
Buckingham Palace: The Buckingham Palace is a wonderful and beautiful building, where the Queen living. It has 600 areas. You can visit Buckingham Palace only from August till November, because on this time the Queen is in vacation.
Madame Tussauds: Madam Tussauds is the famous waxworks started by Madame Tussauds in 1835 which is now one of the most popular tourist attractions in London with over two million visitors a year. It has over 300 wax figures. Represented are Famous people.
London Aquarium: The London Aquarium is the biggest and the most beautiful Aquarium in Europe. There are 2,5 million litre water in the four Aquariums.
Trafalgar Square: The Trafalgar Square is the most popular square in London. Every year, many people came to it. The square was built in 1830. The Nelson's Colums on the square are 56 meters high, they were built for the Heroes from the war.
Seventeen Bridges: The two famous Bridges are London Bridge and Tower Bridge. London Bridge is the oldest Bridge in London. It was built by the Romans for more than 1900 years. Tower Bridge is the famous Bridge in Europe and was built in 1894. Inside the towers is an exhibition. There can you inform about the history of the Tower Bridge. Both of these bridges go over the Themse.
Short history about London.
London was created 43 after Christ by the Romans. At this time London was called Londinium. In the year 200 the Romans was built a wall around London. In the year 1348, more than 70000 of the inhabitant of London died because the plague. 1565 had the city already 200000 inhabitants. In the year 1603 demanded the plague again 30000 dead people.
After a census in 1801 London had 859000 inhabitants. 1831 had already grown the numbers of inhabitants London's on over 1.8 million. The first world exhibition was 1851 in the famous Crystal Palace.1858 was built the first sewers.
The first underground of the world was opened 1863 in London. In the First World War between 1914 and 1918, 670 Londoner die. In the Second World War between 1939 and 1945 30000 Londoner died by air raids. Today live more than 7,1 million inhabitant in London.
Kurzimformationen über London + ein paar Sehenswürdigkeiten
(englisch, ) (566 Wörter)
(englisch, ) (566 Wörter)
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