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Reported Questions

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2 Dokumente und 5 Forumsbeiträge

2 Dokumente zum Thema Reported Questions:

Test über Reported Sppech mit Lösungen und Erläuterung (873 Wörter)
Questions and Negations, Word Order, Present Tense, SOME-ANY-ONE, Passive Voice, Past Tense, The Future Tense, Present Perfect Tense, Past Perfect Tense, Conditional (IF – Sentences), Reported (indirekt) Speech, Important to know (Prepositions), Present Participle, Gerund (3350 Wörter)

5 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Reported Questions:

Mum asked me where I was going. Mum asked me: "Where are you going?" The teacher asked us : "Do you want to watch a film?" The teacher asked them if we wanted to watch a film. My friend asked me : "Can you come to the show?" My friend asked me if I could come to the show. I asked Anne: "Did you enjoy the film?" I asked Anne if ..
Write six questions that you would like to ask Susan Roberts about why she doesn’t want to move to America. 1. Is it too dangerous and violent for you in America? 2. Don’t you like the food there, because it is unhealthy? 3. Are you afraid of the flight? 4. Don`t you like the city or big city life? 5. Is it too loud for you there, ..
Hi an alle könnt ihr mal rüberschauen ob Fehler drin sind? Aufgabe ist.... "Imagine that you are telling someone what you asked Susan. Write the questions in reported speech, e.g. ...I asked Susan....." 1. I asked Susan (wheter) it was too dangerous and violent for them in America. 2. I asked Susan if she didn`t like the food there, because ..
Hallo community, Ich bin gerade dabei einige Fragen bezüglich reported speech zu machen und habe bei der einen oder anderen doch zweifel. Link gelöscht Grund: Zeichnungen, die absolut nicht zum Inhalt der Frage gehören. Zweifel habe ich bei 5,6,10,16, 17, 18, 19,21, 23-26 Diese haben unter Anderem "will", "may" oder "shall" drin und da..
Hallo, könnte hier jemand mal drüber lesen? danke :-) Aufgabe C Write six questions that you would like to ask Susan Roberts about why she doesn’t want to move to America. 1. Can you live in America as better as here? 2. Do you really want to travel to America because it is difficult to get a new job? 3. Are you sure that a small f..
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