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Sample letter: "Use of sponsorship money" to principle of school

Alles zu Landeskunde

Letter to the principle: Use of sponsorship money

(Beispiel für einen Brief)

From: Student
Date: 29 November 2016
Subject: Use of sponsorship money


This report will examine the school's distribution of sponsorship money. The areas the money, given to the school by an international company, was used for this year, were computers, sports equipment, books for the school library and school trips. I analysed the figures of the report submitted by the school.

Share of the sponsorship for different sectors

In total, the sponsoring used by the school amounted to 10000$, half of which was invested in computers. The second largest sector in terms of receiving money was used for providing the school with sports equipment; to be more precise, 3000$ were devoted to this cause. Merely one fifth of the money was used for school trips or books for the school library, receiving 1000$ each.

Benefits for the school

The most convincing arguments in favour of the acquirement of computers is the modernisation of everyday school life, which makes it easier to obtain information at all times through internet access. Another positive aspect of the current order of priorities is the attention on sports equipment. It is a fact that ideal sports gear and facilities are detrimental, in order to ensure that students are able to live up to their full potential.


All things considered, it can be concluded that the school definitely has the student's best interests at heart when deciding what to invest the sponsorship money on, although I would like to stress, that, since this is a predominant topic for many students, the principal could give more weight to the organisation of school trips.

Formally correct report in form of a letter on the topic of "use of sponsorship money" to the principle of your school. Gives reasons, analyses and suggestions. (267 Wörter)
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