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textkorrektur in englisch?!

Frage: textkorrektur in englisch?!
(16 Antworten)

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We discuss at school,whether it is meaningful to wear a school uniforms.
In my opinion it is not important to wear a school uniforms. since THAT THE PROTECTION FROM MOBBING IS AT SCHOOLS NOWADAYS an important aspect, and one tries this as far as possible to support the pupils find the same clothes then all this carry , is a trip to the mobbing. This can be also hair-style or the like. nevertheless it is to noting that these school uniforms would have to order and this costs money. but this not be a big problem. seperate the fact that not only one, but still another second would have to be ordered, so that one has a replacement (ersatz) if the one is dirty , which cost again very much money for the cleaning. if one of two school uniforms would go broken ,that you would buy a new uniform.and this would become expensive. an another argument , which speaks against the school uniforms is the suppression of the individuality. the pupils can not carry the clothes , which likes it ant to express its personal style. A further argument is that after school conclusion (SCHLUSS)the school uniform is taken off. the rrich children trow themselves again into their designer clothes, during the poor pupils waer their dirty clothes. and i think young person like to wear want they want. i would rather begin (einsetzen) the school uniforms in the primary school, because the children are young and the clothes is not important for them.
Frage von amira18 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 06.06.2007 - 18:55

Antwort von GAST | 06.06.2007 - 18:59
das haste einfach im internet übersetzt oder?

so schlecht haste nicht wirklich gemacht?Ö.ö

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Antwort von amira18 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.06.2007 - 19:01
nee hab ich nicht. ich bin wirklich schlecht in englisch. hab nach paar wörtern im lexikon geschaut. kannst du mir bitte helfen.

Antwort von GAST | 06.06.2007 - 19:03
" we discussed at school, whether it is usefull to wear a school uniform.In my opinion it is not important.
oh gott weiter kann ich nicht versteh nicht wass du sagen willst...schreib den deutschen text hier rein dann mach ich dir das.

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Antwort von amira18 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.06.2007 - 19:20
hier ist die deutsch übersetzung. hoffe du kannst mir weiter helfen . danke schön :)

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Antwort von amira18 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.06.2007 - 19:46
kann mir keiner weiter helfen. bitte ich brauch es dringend.

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Antwort von amira18 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.06.2007 - 20:15
sorry aber kann mir wirklich keiner weiter helfen.

Antwort von GAST | 06.06.2007 - 20:22
sry hab keine zeit :-D

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Antwort von amira18 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.06.2007 - 21:06
hat jemand vllt zeit der mir den text korrigiert bittteeeeeeeeee bitteeeeee.

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Antwort von amira18 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.06.2007 - 22:17
bitte die korrektur oder verbeseerungvorschläge bis heute noch. vielen dank schon mal

Beiträge 6130
Antwort von RichardLancelot | 06.06.2007 - 22:31
We discuss at school,whether it is meanful to wear school uniforms. I think it is not important to wear school uniforms. [since THAT THE PROTECTION FROM MOBBING IS AT SCHOOLS NOWADAYS an important aspect, and one tries this as far as possible to support the pupils find the same clothes then all this carry , is a trip to the mobbing] <- den Teil versteh ich nur bedingt... This can also be hair-style or the other things. [nevertheless it is to noting] that these school uniforms would be order and this costs money. but this not be a big problem. seperate the fact that not only one, but still another second would have to be ordered, so that one has a replacement (ersatz) if the one is dirty , which cost again very much money for the cleaning. if one of two school uniforms will be broken ,so that you have to buy a new one.and this would become expensive. an other argument , which speaks against the school uniforms is the suppression of the individuality. the pupils can not carry the clothes , which they like and which let them express their personal style. A further argument is that after schoolsout (SCHLUSS)the school uniform is taken off. the rich children dress up themselves again into their designer clothes, during the poor pupils wear their dirty clothes. and i think young people like to wear what they want. i would rather start wearing (einsetzen) the school uniforms in the primary school, because the children are young and the clothes is not important for them.

Die beiden Abschnitte in den eckigen Klammern bitte nochmal auf deutsch...

Desweiteren: /als Hilfe recht brauchbar

Beiträge 6130
Antwort von RichardLancelot | 06.06.2007 - 22:32
Oha, hab nich weiter gelesen...moment, ich sehs mir mal an!

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Antwort von RichardLancelot | 06.06.2007 - 22:36
Also ich würde da schreiben:

Da "Schutz vor Mobbing" an Schulen heutzutage zwar ein wichtiger Aspekt ist, und man dieses versucht so weit wie möglich zu unterstützen, finden die Schüler und Schülerinnen trotz der gleichen Kleidung die dann alle tragen, einen Auslöser zum Mobbing.

Because the protection of schools from mobbing is an important aspect, and everyone try to support this, pupil will find a way to mob each other. With or without this uniforms...

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Antwort von RichardLancelot | 06.06.2007 - 22:38
Letzte Ergänzung:
pupil will however find a way to mob each other. With or without this uniforms...

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Antwort von amira18 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.06.2007 - 22:41
danke für deine hilfe. :-)

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Antwort von amira18 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.06.2007 - 22:47
eine frage die zweite klammer wie kann ich es anders formulieren?

Antwort von GAST | 06.06.2007 - 23:19
hm bisschen spät jetzt, aber "mobbing" bzw mobben ist kein englisches wort sondern heißt auf englisch dann "bullying"...

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