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Korrektur und Hilfe How does an immigrant feel

Frage: Korrektur und Hilfe How does an immigrant feel
(4 Antworten)

als Klausurvorbereitung (kl 12 GK) sollen wir einen text zu folgender Fragestellung schreiben: How does an immigrant in the 2nd generation feel.
Irgendwie ist mir noch nichtmal aud deutsch was richtiges dazu eingefallen... soll about 150 words sein... was heltet ihr davon
How does an immigrant in the 2nd generation feel?

In my opinion those persons float between two poles. On the one hand their traditional, cultural and social backgrounds, which they are given from their parents, on the other hand the culture in which they are born into and in which they actually live. There are little problems which they are faced off like the different food or clothes (in India for example the women wear Saris), but there are very important problems too, which shows the differences. One example for this are the different traditions of religion. When a Muslim grows up in a liberal Christian state, he comes in a moral conflict with himself. With the liberal thinking of his friends and the traditional thoughts of his parents. I would feel very confused about this situation. I don’t know for what site I would decide me!
GAST stellte diese Frage am 03.03.2008 - 19:15

Antwort von GAST | 03.03.2008 - 19:47
ich finds ganz gut, nur du haste die letzten beiden sätze beide mit I angefangen..

ich würd vllt noch sagen, dass oft durch den druck der familie sie sich von der umgebung abgrenzen und sich ganz auf die tradition konzentrieren sollen.. außerdem sind manche sehr unzufrieden hier (in deutschland) zu sein.. da sie oft nicht gut genug integriert sind..
hoffe das hilft dir was ;)

Antwort von GAST | 03.03.2008 - 20:21
wow, super! Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe! bist ein Schatz! ;o)

Antwort von GAST | 03.03.2008 - 20:30
ich hab jetzt nur n paar kleine fehler gefunden, mag das thema nämlich auch nicht, weil mir dazu nichts einfällt *g*

There are little problems which they are faced off like different food or clothes (in India for example the women wear Saris), ...

... but there are very important problems too,
entweder: which (also die probleme) show
oder: what (also das, was die die differences deutlich macht) shows the differences.

decide me gibts im englischen nicht, das hast du das reflexive schon so im verb mit drin - also ich entscheide mich = i decide

hoff es hilft, falls du das abgeben musst. :)

Antwort von GAST | 03.03.2008 - 20:49
Danke, ja schicke es per mail, ist aber nur für uns... ne klausur übung halt... hier dir korrigierte fassung:
How does an immigrant in the 2nd generation feel?

In my opinion those persons float between two poles. On the one hand their traditional, cultural and social backgrounds, which they are given from their parents, on the other hand the culture in which they are born into and in which they actually live. There are little problems which they are faced off, like different food or clothes (in India for example the women wear Saris), but there are very important problems too, which show the differences. One example for this are the different traditions of religion. When a Muslim grows up in a liberal Christian state, he comes in a moral conflict with himself, with the liberal thinking of his friends and the traditional thoughts of his parents. Sometimes they are under pressure of their families and are supposed to concentrate only on the traditions, so they establish a border between themselves and their environment. I would feel very confused about this situation and I don’t know for what site I would decide! Furthermore I can imagine that they are very displeased with the integration in the foreign countries. And that they neither are authentic members of their native country nor in their new mother country

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