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English Summary

Frage: English Summary
(1 Antwort)

Hey könnt ihr vllt mal drüber gucken ob man das so lassen kann? Bin mir an manchen Stellen mit den Vokabeln nicht ganz sicher gewesen...

América and Cándido moved to Canoga Park.
When they arrive there, Cándido follows a man who tells him his aunt may have a cheap room for them, while América waits for them to return on a wall in front of the post office. She is watching the people walking up the street and the traffic. Thirty minutes later she wonders where Cándido is and why he did not return to her yet.
After one and a half hour she pushes herself up from the wall and walks the direction Cándido left but there is no trace of him. So América returns to the wall in front of the post office because this is the place where he would look for her. She doesn’t want to imagine what could have happened to Cándido. At midnight when América is nearly fallen asleep she feels a touch at her shoulder and Cándido is standing in front of her – his face is covered with blood. Cándido tells her that the man he followed led him into a side street where two other men awaited them and then attacked him with a baseball bat and stole all of their money. When América realizes what happened to her husband her dreams of a room, a bed, a shower and all those things fade away. Without money they can’t stay in Canoga Park, they have to move back to their campground the same night.
On their way back they stop at a service station where América asks for the key to the rest room, so that Cándido can wash his face off. When they move on, América is shocked that Cándido looks through the garbage of a restaurant to find something to eat for them.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 17.09.2007 - 18:11

Antwort von GAST | 17.09.2007 - 18:18
gruslig *G*
:) kann man so stehn lassen,
hier und da paar sachen wo es sicher bessere ausdrücke gibt aber für ne hausaufgabe kannst das so lassen

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