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Präsentation Dubai

Frage: Präsentation Dubai
(4 Antworten)

Hallo :) Kann mir jemand von euch mir eine Präsentation schreiben über Dubai auf Englisch.
Ich muss ca. 6 min reden. Es kann auch eine Sehenswürdigkeit sein von Dubai
Danke im Voraus!
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 19.12.2020 - 10:27

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 19.12.2020 - 11:57
Hier schreibt niemand eine Präsentation für dich.
Du verwechselst da etwas...
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 3
Antwort von Ale123r | 19.12.2020 - 12:41
Achso okay entschuldigen wusste ich nicht. Und kann mir es jemand Kontrollieren wenn ich es habe?

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 19.12.2020 - 14:29
Sicher, das machen wir gerne. Wir überprüfen auch bereits deine Gliederung, wenn du soweit bist. Suchst du Material zu deinem Thema? Da sind wir gerne bei der Suche behilflich.
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 3
Antwort von Ale123r | 22.12.2020 - 01:34
Bitte kontrollieren! Danke
Dubai is an extraordinary city where luxury and exotic meets. This city is where orient and asia meets historical and modern. Dubai is part of the united arab emirates, a federation of seven states along the persian gulf. The city is an arab sheikdom ruled by the sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The Burj Al Arab (aka. Tower of the Arabs) is a luxury hotel located in the city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Managed by Jumeirah hotel group, it is one of the tallest hotels in the world, although 39% of ist total height is made up of non-occupiable space. Burj Al Arab stands on an artificial island 280 m from Jumeirah Beach and is connected to the mainland by a private curving bridge. The shape of the structure is designed to resemble the sail of a ship.
Despite ist size, the Burj Al Arab holds only 28 double-story floors which accommodate 202 bedroom suites. The smallest suite occupies an area of 169 m2 , the largest covers 780 m2.
Inside the building, the atrium is 180 m tall. The 18 storied atrium is enclosed by 12 individually tensioned two-layer membrane panels form the north facing facade.
Suites feature design details that juxtapose east and west. White columns show great influence. Bathrooms are accented by mosaic tile patterns.
There are six restaurants in the hotel.
In order to enter the Al Mahara, located on the ground floor, a three-minute submarine ride is simulated for the visitor in the elevator. The interior of the Al Mahara is dominated by a huge sea aquarium around which the tables are arranged. The Al Muntaha protrudes from the building at a height of 200 meters on the lake side and offers a view over the Persian Gulf and The Palm, Jumeirah. Another two floors above there is a platform on the land side that is used as a helipad and served as a tennis court for a promotional tour. 8,000 square meters of gold leaf were used to decorate the interior. There are several fountains and cascades in the lobby alongside softly tufted carpets. Escalators are used to get from reception to the actual lobby. These lead along two aquariums, each three meters high, with coral reefs.
The pool and spa area is located on the 18th floor. All facilities such as pool, spa and large fitness studio are available twice in identical equipment and size. In fact once for men and once for women in accordance with the Arabic code of conduct. However, the area for men can also be used by women. The indoor pool has a view of the undulating Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Wild Wadi Water Park and Dubai the World. The use of this public and much visited water park is free of charge for hotel guests.
The design is by Tom Wright, an employee of Atkins Middle East. The client’s express wish was to create an architectural icon that would become an identifying feature for Dubai. The design has the shape of the sail of a modern yacht and is intended to symbolize the past as a sea trade center and Dubai’s future orientation.

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