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Love actually, Tatsächlich Liebe

Frage: Love actually, Tatsächlich Liebe
(1 Antwort)

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ich muss für die Schule eine Zusammenfassung von der Story eines Charakters in Englisch zu schreiben.
Ich habe mir den Primierminister ausgesucht, aber komme damit nicht so gut klar. Könnt ihr meinen Text bitte korrektur lesen und mir Verbesserungsvorschläge geben. Habe ich das schon immer n der richtigen Zeit Present Tense geschrieben? Meine Verbindungswörter sind auch immer gleich, was fällt euch besseres ein? Dankeschön, dass ihr euch die Mühe macht. (Ich gehe gerade in die erste Klasse einer höheren Schule, also dementsprechend genau bitte kontrolieren.)

Story of the British Prime Minister

A few weeks before Christmas the new British Prime Minister comes to the government building to start his career. There he first meets the employees afterwards he can’t stop thinking of Natalie. Natalie brings him the post and the Prime Minister says to her: “Natalie”. She nods and leaves his office. The Prime Minister takes part of a meeting and they agrees him to submit the US-President, when he comes. During the meeting he wants to know, who he has to “corrupt” to get coffee. At the same time Natalie enters the room and offers what he want.
Later she comes into his office to bring him chocolate-cookies and coffee. The Prime Minister says her that he don’t likes working with each other and don’t know anything about her. She tells him where she lives and that she has not a friend. When she go out of his office he turned back to a picture of an old woman and ask her if she had so troubles with love too.
The day comes the US-President arrives, while they are going to the meeting room the Prime Minister talks to him and tells him that he think it is hard to love when you are a politician. After the meeting with the other minister they went to another room. The Prime Minister leaves to room and says “Hay” to Natalie, who is going with a plate of coffee in the room he left. When the Prime Minister comes back to the room, he sees Natalie standing close to the US-President. Natalie gets away. Next they are interview, how the meeting was. The Prime Minister outplayed the US-President, that’s why lots of people are applauding. After his speech his sister calls him but he doesn’t like to take with her.
At one evening he dances imagine with a woman though the house. A few days after she gives Amie the assignment to dismiss Natalie. Then he noticed a other woman bringing him something to drink and get a little sad for what he had done.
At Christmas he opens a suitcase with Christmas cards. He reads the card from Natalie, where she apologized for what happened. He calls his chauffeur and bodyguard to get a car prepared. He gets to the street, where Natalie lives but he don’t knew is which house she lives. So he rings at several doors to get to Natalie. Finally he find her with her family, they wants to go to the show of the kids. He wants to talk with her, so Natalie and a child in costume drives with him. When they arrives he first doesn’t want to come with her because he is a politician but Natalie organizes that they can get inside though the back door and stand behind the stage. There they meet the sister of the Prime Minister, who was happy that he was coming. Sometimes the peep out to see what is happening and then they kissed. The drapes opened and all people say them kissing and applauded. When they noticed, the don’t knew what to do. But then they are smiling and waving.
Frage von Clara4444 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 27.12.2017 - 13:15

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Antwort von cleosulz | 27.12.2017 - 19:19
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