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Kummerkastenbrief von Benvolio (aus Romeo und Julia)

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Dear agony aunt,
I'm a delighted reader of your magazine for many years and I especially love the "sorrow-box" corner. That's the first thing I read after buying it.
But today I have to write a letter myself. I have got a friend (he's called Romeo) who has a big problem. Please, trust me, I'm really talking about my friend and not about myself.
Romeo is in a bad mood, because he is in love. I know it sounds funny, but it is the truth. His love - well, he can't get hold of her. She isn't in love with him and she promised to live like a virgin. And now he suffers like a dog. In his opinion love provokes negative feelings. Gloom set in in his life. He spends his time in his room which looks very artificial. He closed his windows and the door and he only goes out in the night when it's dark outside.
I told Romeo to look for another beautiful woman, but he doesn't want to know anything about that. I would like to help him, but I don't know how. I hope you have some great ideas. It is very important.
Lots of regards,

Die Datei enthält einen "Kummerkastenbrief" von Benvolio, einem Freund von Romeo. Dieser Brief ist ein "Creative Task", die zu Beginn des Dramas "Romeo and Juliet" entstand, und zwar zu dem Zeitpunkt, als Romeo wegen seiner Liebe zu Rosalin leidet. Benvolio versucht Hilfe bei einer "Zeitschrift" zu bekommen. (204 Wörter)
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