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Songtext- Bitte kontrollieren!

Frage: Songtext- Bitte kontrollieren!
(2 Antworten)

Möchte bei nem Wettbewerb teilnehmen, aber im Text sind noch Fehler, denke ich :) Wenns geht auch verbessern bitte!

About Love
She got a heartbroken, her whole world is down
She got a heartbroken, now she`s counting the teardrops in her face, that she found
Sad story, I know, but it isn`t her fault, its love

Why does everybody wants to fall in love, to talk nonesense?
Why does everybody wants to have it all, if they already have everything, that a girl like me ever wanted
I found out, that its all about love, its all about love

He got a heartbroken, he thought that she would marry him some day
He got a heartbroken, now he has to find another way
She was perfect, she was worth it, but everything has changed
It isn`t his fault, its love


Maybe its no one`s fault, love is just emotional
But it can break your heart slowly
No matter how you`ll choose, your only gonna loose, if its about love

bitte korrigieren!
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 09.07.2010 - 17:44

Antwort von GAST | 09.07.2010 - 17:58
google kannste "songtexte" eingeben und den interpreten

Antwort von GAST | 09.07.2010 - 18:11
She`s (0) got a heartbroken, (1) her whole world is down
She got a heartbroken, now she`s counting the tear drops on her face, that she found(2)
Sad story, I know, but it isn`t her fault, its love

Why does everybody want to fall in love, to talk nonsense?
Why does everybody want to have ...(3) all, if they`ve already got everything, that a girl like me`s (4)ever wanted
I found out, that its all about love, its all about love

He`s got a heartbroken, he thought that she would marry him some day
He`s got a heartbroken, now he has to find another way
She was perfect, she was worth it, but everything has changed
It hasn`t been his fault, its love


Maybe its no one`s fault, love is just emotional
But it can break your heart slowly
No matter how you`ll choose, youonly gonna lose, if itsabout love

Refrain heißt auf Engl. "chorus"
it is love = it`s love (its heißt "sein")

0) statt "she got" besser: "she has got", also "she`s got ...

1. du kannst sagen she is "heartbroken", aber,
she`s got a broken heart
2. auch wenn Liedtext nicht immer grammatisch richtig sind, hier müsstest du sagen "she has found" also : "she`s found" statt she found
3) "it" streichen
4) has ever wanted , verkürzt : "`s ever wanted"


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