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Letter to my penfriend Bitte korrigieren

Frage: Letter to my penfriend Bitte korrigieren
(3 Antworten)

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Letter to my penfriend
Hiii Amy,
I like your holiday story that you write me.
Your adventures and… . I also want to fly with my family to Australia or it will be better when I fly with you. I’m really envious about you, because you are in Australia one of my favourite countries. The beach and the cutest animals of the world. And the quokkas aah. I really want to hold one of this cute animals in my hand. .Which girl doesn’t say that quokkas are the cutest animals of the world. I don’t understand that your father want to go all of the islands instead of the great beaches of Rottnest. Anyway you will go to the beach tommorrow. But I’m happy, becauseI hate cycling. It’s the worth hobby I ever see. And don’t forget to show me photos when you come home. When you forget it I will never forgive you.
That’s all for now. Bye.
Frage von Boldos (ehem. Mitglied) | am 31.03.2017 - 18:52

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Antwort von Scouti (ehem. Mitglied) | 01.04.2017 - 11:30
Hi Boldos,

deinen Text finde ich etwas unverständlich.

But I’m happy, because I hate cycling.
It’s the worth hobby I ever see.
...................., denn ich hasse Radfahren. Es ist das lohnendste/ sinnvollste Hobby, das ich kenne.
(Was denn nu, entweder ist Radfahren doof oder sinnvoll.)

oder meinst du: I hate cycling, because it is the stupidest hobby, I ever see.

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Antwort von Scouti (ehem. Mitglied) | 01.04.2017 - 11:37
Hiii Amy,
I like your holiday story that you have written to me. Your adventures and… . I also want to fly with my family to Australia or it will be better when I fly with you. I’m really envious about you,
because you are in Australia one of my favourite countries. The beach and the cutest animals of the world, especially the quokkas, aah. I really want to hold one of this cute animals in my hand. .Which girl doesn’t say that quokkas are the cutest animals of the world? I don’t understand that your father want to go all of the islands instead of the great beaches of Rottnest. Anyway you will go to the beach tomorrow. But I’m happy, because I hate cycling. It’s the worth hobby I ever see. (siehe oben) And don’t forget to show me photos when you come home. When you forget it I will never forgive you.

That’s all for now. Bye.

Beiträge 21
Antwort von R.k. | 03.04.2017 - 14:06
Word order: Australia with my family ...but much more I`d like to fly with you
...envious of you
...your father wants (3. p. singular!) to go to all the islands

...I guess you mean "stupidest" - und hast es mit "schlecht/schlimmste" übersetzen wollen "worst"
show me your photos - or: show your photos to me - sounds better

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