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Vorlage für die Erstellung eines Formel Letters. (Eigene Satzzusammenstellung)

Alles zu Ausarbeitungen, Interpretationen und Zusammenfassungen

Vorlage für die Erstellung eines Formel Letters

Soft skills:
strong work ethic, positive attitude, good communication skills, problem-solving skills, acting as a team player, self-confident, adaptability

Dear Sir or Madam,
Dear Mrs /Mr ... ,

With references to your advertisement in the current edition of ..., I would like to apply for the position of...
I saw your job advert for the position of ... in ... and would like to apply for the position. In the current issue of .... you advertise the position of...
With (great) interest I read your advertisement for a/n ... on the Internet.

I wish to apply for the position you advertise.
After having competed my training as a/n ... , I am now looking for a position in ... I believe that I am well qualified to fill this vacancy.

Suitability (qualification, skills, experience)
As you will see from the enclosed CV ...
I am currently attending ... where I have enrolled for a course in ...
I speak fluent English and have a basic knowledge of French.
After my vocational training I worked for a local export firm for four years.
During my studies I Did two internships abroad.
I am familiar with ... (all routine office procedures and business software).
With ... I continued ...
I hope to be able to use my knowledge of ... in this position.
I wish to work abroad and to make use of my knowledge of languages.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email.
I would like to work in ... and look forward to your reply.
I enclose my CV, and am available for an interview at any time //convenient to yourselves// and look forward to an invitation//.
I hope you will find my application of interest.
I enclose my CV with this letter.
I belive that I can make a positive contribution and be a valuable addition to your team.
If you feel I would be the right person to fill this position, please do not hesitate to call me.
Dear sincerely -> Name
Yours faithfully -> ohne Name
Hier sind viele Beispielsatzanfänge aufgereiht, die in einem Formel Letter stehen könnten.
Dienen nur als Stütze zum eigenen Erstellen eines Eigenen Formel Letters.
Kein Musterbeispiel.

Die Sätze sind aus meinen verschiedenen Bewerbungen zusammengetragen. (335 Wörter)
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